Written by Justin Lam
Quantum computing was first envisioned in the late 70s and early 80s as a means for…
By Laura Rutherford.
My name is Laura Rutherford. I live and farm with my husband near Grafton, North Dakota. We raise sugarbeets, dry beans and potatoes, as well as three young sons. In…
What’s good y’all? Hope you are doing well! This will be a GREAT one — get us back…
I know, I know: I wrote about blockchain for science just last summer — this blog will…
Fabiola Gianotti, Director General, CERN
Are you severely impacted by chewing, tapping, or whistling? Then this may be good news…
By Roy Sebag
Goldmoney’s mission is to provide global access to gold for secure savings and transactions, making an extraordinary element useful and empowering again.
This is the reason why scientists and religious scholars are so far apart that they do not have any interaction with each-other. Common people are in a state of suspicion on both sides. Sir Albert Einstein, Richard P. Feynman, Sir Isaac Newton and many other top scientists…
The beginning of the universe. There are but few ways to interpret the physics behind what most scientists…
A couple of years ago as I was brainstorming for the upcoming BELIV 2014 symposium, I had the…
Few days ago, I was watching a Youtube video about Physics on Bozeman Science. It is very interesting that it offers a methodology to distinguish the structures of substance that it is easier for us to understand the reality. This methodology is the “system and object”. It…
~ Original post source: https://wp.me/p8T9cN-k ~
Este artigo pertence a uma série a que chamei “Como testar uma ideia de negócio…
What About The Early Universe WAS Expected?
We keep finding mature galaxies at earlier times. We find supermassive black holes (quasars) so close to the putative “creation” event that there does not appear enough time to produce such objects.
Potential answers and potential questions have a relationship. For instance in terms of science, arts and religions the question what is the relationship between AI technology and soul is a challenging one but anyhow based on our knowledge of science, arts and religions very much justified!
‘A world without cancer’ was the title of an event hosted in Barcelona a few days ago, where naturopath Txumari Alfaro…
UMCES researchers seek public’s support for DolphinWatch project
Hello, and welcome to O-Fish-ial Fun Fact Thursday!!!