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Cryo-EM Won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

In 2013, the breakthrough of Cryo-EM technology had brought a perfect impact to structural biology field. Long-term problems, such as the atomic resolution structure of many important large complexes and membrane proteins, which can not be solved by…

What Do You Know About Gauge Glass Level Measurement Principle?

Gauge glass is one of the best ways for measuring level of liquid in a tank or a boiler. It is one of the common instruments used in ships, fuel tank, and industries. Also known as sight glass, the glass gauge is closely…

This story is unavailable.

just reading this now — seems no one has really cracked the mystery? (Mike, Roy, lot of heavy hitters here… Gail pretty much has it) well I would be willing to bet that the answer is simply: the Import a story feature. It is there on your Draft Stories page (on the site only, not in the apps). I tried it once, because I’m one of those people who has…

Facts about Fluorescent Brightening Agents you didnt know about.

What is FBA?

The Fluorescent Brightening operators work by the wonders of fluorescence

• keeping in mind the end goal to comprehend the component of FBA it is…

Independent Laboratory Supplies Australia | Laboratory Equipment

Science Equip is into laboratory supplies in Australia. It supplies all types of equipments used in laboratories for experimental or research purposes. Most of the institutes, research laboratories and also for small…

With government shutdown over, SpaceX is testing Falcon Heavy’s 27 engines

US government shutdown caused SpaceX to delay several of its operations despite. Despite being a private company, SpaceX still has to adhere to certain government regulations. Now that the government…

Stuart Burchill

Stuart Burchill to say “Life is not a burden or task to be endured. It is a limited edition, limited time only gift to walk this earth and explore it.” No one can afford to ignore the dramatic developments that nanotechnology is producing in materials and the manner in which materials are designed…

Stuart Burchill

Stuart Burchill had worked as CEO/CTO of Industrial Nanotech, Inc. “Now we begin 2018 in a high revenue growth rate phase, created by continuing to cultivate and expand our relationships with our core customers and market sectors. Worldwide Distributors including, but not limited to: three…