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Where to Invest in Network Effects

By Gigi Levy-Weiss (@GigiLevy) and James Currier (@jamescurrier)

Levy-Weiss and Currier are Partners at NFX Guild, an early-stage fund with a three-month program for businesses utilizing network effects.

Developers Go ‘Hands-Free’ With Amazon Alexa Project on GitHub

By Amit Jotwani, Alexa Voice Service Evangelist

Last month we announced an Alexa Voice Service (AVS) API update and new project for Raspberry Pi that let Makers, for…

Slack’s letter to Microsoft & Retrospect

Microsoft launched its new chat-based Teams app yesterday. The product will officially be called Microsoft Teams, it will be a part of Office 365. No more interesting is that Slack made Microsoft’s Teams announcement much more exciting with ad in the New York…

5 steps for getting Geckoboard up on a TV with a RPi3

I was disappointed when I saw that Geckoboard do not officially support the Raspberry Pi as a method for displaying a dashboard on a TV. Their reasons check out though — V2 wasn’t quite powerful enough to keep a dashboard up and running.

Blue Rose Book Club

Last weekend a few of us gathered together at The Old Vineyard for our very first ‘Blue Rose Book Club’. During the Book Club, we discussed and reviewed, ‘The Hairdresser of Harare’ by Tendai Huchu. The book is published by the local publishing company, ‘Weaver Press’. Whilst it may not be…

Technovedanta: From a conscious Internet to a Panpsychic T.O.E.

In this essay I will summarise some of the key concepts of the book Technovedanta[i] –hereinafter referred to as TV1.0 and hereby incorporated by reference- and enrich this summary with clarifications where TV1.0 did not…

Let’s Get Socratic

White House published a report about Artificial Intelligence. The volatile future we have been talking about for the last decade is happening now.

Developing and studying machine intelligence can help us better understand and appreciate our human intelligence. Used…

FDM printing: how to choose a right filament

1st November almost the full team of FactoryFinder got into an amazing room of FabLab ITMO with a responsible mission — to hold the second webinar in the series on 3D-printing!

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How to Respond to Competition

Slack, you just wrote the definitive guide to responding to competition in one blog post. Well done, and totally epic.

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This is why Slack will beat any future multi-billion dollar rival entering their sphere of influence.

Slack is laboring out of love while Microsoft labors out of love for money.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime is a great smartphone which was launched in August 2016. Currently smartphone exclusive available in India at Rs 20699 via online shopping sites like eBay, Flipkart with Black, Gold color.

The device comes with a flaunt look out of the box and designed very beautifully with a dimensions of 151.7 x 75…