Crooked Circular the Second

soon to be a major motion picture

Thomas James
The Crooked Circle


Photo by Noom Peerapong on Unsplash

Welcome back to The Crooked Circular, where we answer the question, “What are some questions?” Earth has spun roughly 4300 degrees since our last meeting here, and that has seen the publication of eleven new pieces in The Crooked Circle, which works out to about 390 degrees per story. I’m sorry if you think bragging about stats is unseemly, but I’ve never seen anyone claim numbers like that before.

Three Circle wriditors made their publication debuts. I’m going to single out the new ones for special treatment right now, but you’re probably used to that kind of thing already from your wireless provider.

Emily Gibson is a lover of poetry, horses, bicycles, and all things green. Much of her work falls under memoir and/or the appreciation or glorification of the natural world, but she is frequently playful in a way we appreciate around here, taking on challenges, trying new forms, and experimenting. Impractical Taxidermy is Emily at her most Emily, and what could be better?

Niall O'Connell was my very first favorite poet on Medium back in 2022, when he was my second non-nuptial follow on the platform. He is a gifted writer in every genre I’ve seen him try, including fiction and semi-academic textual analysis. He had left Medium quite a while ago, but I knew how much better this publication would be with him as a part of it, so I wheedled him into returning. You’re welcome. The Dodo is Extinct is a short story that’s longish by Medium standards but well worth your time.

Jenine "Jeni" Baines is a rebel with ad hoc causes. She expresses complex thoughts, usually in simple, evocative language, but with occasional departures into the esoteric. As a poet, she has a complex relationship with the fourth wall, which is a concept I would not have even applied to poetry before reading her. I think her other fans will know what I mean. Appropriate to both her person and this place, her first submission is Rebellious.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. In that spirit, here are the new works by writers who blew their new before issue two.

On Good Authority — Poetry and Visual Art by Doodleslice
The Virginity Not Taken — Poetry by Juliet James
Lotus Sutures — Poetry by Thomas James
The Hill — Fiction by Allisonn Church
The Unsurprising Disappointment — Poetry and Visual Art by Doodleslice
Confirmation Bias — Poetry by Thomas James
When It Comes Into Focus — Poetry and Visual Art by Doodleslice
Mother, Mother — Nonfiction by Juliet James


The Crooked Circle homepage has been and will continue to be in flux, but that’s how we roll around here. There are now navigation items at the top for Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction. I would encourage Circle wriditors to self-sort into those categories by using one of those tags. I will retrofit them where I notice their absence.


I very much appreciate not only the enthusiastic participation of those who have participated enthusiastically but also the messages of support for the Crooked Circle concept from the broader community. It makes me feel like we may really have something here.



Thomas James
The Crooked Circle

Poet, Essayist, Humorist, Reader, Learner, Editor, Publisher, Aquarist, Coloradan, INTJ-A, Absurdist, Determinist? (TBD)