Top Stories published by Thought Pills in February of 2016

10 Things that Kill your Creativity

by Yann Girard

Look. I also don’t like these kinds of list posts. But I’ve done most of the things on this list recently. So I didn’t feel very creative today. And the only idea I had today was to write down the 10 things that kill…

How to get back up again

by Yann Girard

I get it. You have to fail your way to success. That’s what everyone says.

But what they don’t tell you is how it’ll make you feel over time. When you try to fail your way to success.

What I would do if I knew I’d die today

by Yann Girard

I celebrated my 18th birthday yesterday. And this year I’m turning 32. That’s at least what it feels like.

Stop bullshitting yourself

by Yann Girard

We lie to ourselves. All the time. To protect ourselves. And our egos.

He didn’t call back because he lost my number.

Not everything..

by Yann Girard

You might not have the right job.

Or the right car.

Or the right house.

Or the right spouse.

The importance of doing

by Yann Girard

A degree is pretty much useless. Just like reading blog posts or books is pretty much useless.

It’s all just information. Information that has to be confirmed (or adapted) by actions, by doing or by experiences…

Be your worst..

by Yann Girard

If you want to be a good writer, be your worst possible reader ever.

If you want to be a good public speaker, be your worst possible listener ever.

The first step

appeared first in my head

99% of the people never take that first step. It’s an ego thing. I think.

Whenever you take that first step you might be the one to blame. You might be the one who’ll get rejected. And rejection is never easy.


by Yann Girard

My time here is limited. There will be a time when I won’t be around anymore.

When everything I’ve ever done will be forgotten. When it all doesn’t matter anymore. When none of it matters anymore. At all.

Don’t forget that

by Yann Girard

We’re really good at creating systems. Or products. Or contracts. Or agreements.

We’re really good at creating those things. We know how to make sure they’re logical. Perfect. And rational.

These were the top 10 stories published by Thought Pills in February of 2016. You can also dive into daily archives for February of 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.