#MeetTheTutellusTeam: interview with Miguel Caballero, CEO at Tutellus

Nacho Hontoria
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

How was your arrival at the Tutellus team and what have you learned on a personal and professional level since you arrived?

Hahaha It was a cloudy afternoon in november 2011 when we had the idea to make something different in the EdTech industry: education sucks, learning was hard and collaborative video wasn’t applied to Education. So we (Javier Ortiz and me) started with the vision to change the world :)

We have been learning each day, more of the mistakes than the success, and trying to wake up each day being better profesional and person than the day before.

How was the first time you had knowledge of blockchain technology?

I heard of Bitcoin in 2012. After we made a “trial integration” in 2014, but in that moment we started with other priorities and let it go. I started more seriously in January 2017, when I understood the tech possibilities to disrupt business and full industries.

Do you think blockchain technology has come to stay or is it a fad?

Despite the fact there is scam and a lot of hype around the concept, Blockchain has proved the ability to change industries. It’s like the Internet in the 90’s, a baby with an incredible potential to change the rules.

Why do you think blockchain technology can change the world of education?

Because it’s the first time in history that people can be empowered through learning process. Until now people were like “slaves”: you have to learn, it’s an obligation. From now on you decide your future, being able to earn money and to become smarter at the same time.

What is being done to change the lives of more than 100 million people from Tutellus? What are your feelings about it?

We have a long way and this is only the beginning. We need time, patience, community and people who want to participate in this revolution. It’s by that we are looking always for Ambassadors.

When you go out of the Tutellus HQ, how is your life? What are your hobbies?

I spend my free time with the family (I have wife + 2 kids) and with sports (running, surfing, snowboarding). I’m just a good guy trying to leave the world a better place to live in :)

