Top Stories published by Uncork Capital in January of 2006

Sun Microsystems Founders Unplugged at the Computer History Museum

Last night I attended the Computer Hjstory Museum event featuring the founding team of Sun Microsystems — Andy Bechtolsheim, Bill Joy, Scott Mc Nealy and Vinod Khosla — with Sun’s current Chief Scientist, John Gage…

The Circle of Envy

You can read the long version of the story on Jeff Bussgang’s blog, but in short, the “Circle of Envy” in Private Equity is spelled out the following way:

  • Entrepreneurs envy VCs b/c they get to make a lot of money collecting management fees, and not…

The enterprise software market is shrinking — and old stars ain’t shining

I am off to CES in less than 3 hours, so I’ll make it quick: Bill Burnham has a series of great posts regarding the Internet and Enterprise software sectors of the public market, particularly:

Developing and managing Hotmail

This interview
has already been picked up and commented
upon (and /.’ed),
but if you have not yet taken a look, I recommend reading this ACM piece on
Hotmail, and what it means to manage one of the largest services of the web.
Hotmail runs on 10,000 servers and involves…

Riya recognizes 150,000 Benjamin Franklins

I just read on TechCrunch the official announcement of the fund raising Riya has recently completed, and I must admit that I had to check the number twice: $15M is the amount the company has brought in from new investor Bay Partners. Munjal comments on…

Get ready to spot some RoofSense ads

The MIT Advertising Lab points to this picture of a building rooftop covered by the branding of the business occupying it (in the example: Target). It turns out, reading the comments related to the post, that this Target store is located next to O’Hare airport…