Top Stories published by usevim in May of 2015

Vim Web Development Icons

If you’re a fan of NERDTree, patched fonts, and vim-airline, then you might like Ryan L McIntyre’s vim-webdevicons (GitHub: ryanoasis/vim-webdevicons, License: MIT). It adds icons for web development-related file types, and includes things like an image icon, logos for programming…


PyVim (GitHub: jonathanslenders/pyvim) by Jonathan Slenders is a pure Python Vim clone. You can try it out with pip:

pip install pyvim

I installed it on a Mac and it ran fine. Python has some libraries that make a Python Vim clone a worthwhile effort — PyVim uses…

Omni Completion and JavaScript

This week I tried out Visual Studio Code (VSCode), a new editor from Microsoft that has features focused on web development. One of the cool things about it is it brings IntelliSense to JavaScript developers, and it’s cross platform as well — it supports Mac OS X, Linux, and…

Neovim: Mac GUI, Rust IDE, and More

There hasn’t been a Neovim update since last year, so I was pleased to see Newsletter #5 — Out of the Box. This edition has some interesting news about embedding Neovim: there’s a Rust IDE called SolidOak that uses an embedded Neovim, and a new Mac OS X GUI for…

Color Coded: A Plugin for Semantic Highlighting

The author of color_coded has really gone the extra mile to implement more semantic highlighting for the C family of languages. To provide real-time tagless highlighting, it actually uses a self-contained clang 3.6.0 (due to bugs in clang). It…

TypeScript with Tsuquyomi

If you’re searching for the perfect Vim TypeScript plugin, then there’s a new one called Tsuquyomi (GitHub: Quramy/tsuquyomi, License: MIT) by Yosuke Kurami. It uses TSServer, which comes with TypeScript, and provides omni completion, symbol navigation, compiler errors, and…

Athame: Vim for Readline

If you use readline’s Vim mode, then you might be interested in athame. This project is a patch for readline that embeds Vim, so you can use Vim’s full editing capabilities rather than the more limited vi-mode subset that readline provides.

Google Colour Scheme

Primary (GitHub: google/vim-colorscheme-primary) by Lisie Michel at Google is a colour scheme based on Google’s branding. The GUI version uses Google’s exact colours, while the 256 and 8 colour versions are approximations.

These were the top 10 stories published by usevim in May of 2015. You can also dive into daily archives for May of 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.