Top Stories published by usevim in August of 2015

Visual Mode Increment

In Vim patch 7.4.754, I noticed Vim now supports incrementing numbers in Visual mode. You can increment numbers by pressing CTRL-A, and decrement with CTRL-X. It's one of those features that doesn't sound amazingly useful but can be handy once you've memorised it. If you build off Vim's…


Karl Yngve Lervåg sent in vimtex (GitHub: lervag/vimtex), a script with lots of commands and mappings for LaTeX authors. It’s inspired by LaTeX-Box, but is written from scratch with extensibility in mind.

Vimtex includes motions for section navigation and moving between matching…

Terminus: Improved Terminal Support

Terminus (GitHub: wincent/terminus) by Greg Hurrell is a plugin for improving Vim’s integration with terminals, with features designed for tmux and iTerm. Features include:

  • Cursor shape in Insert mode: thin vertical bar in the console


Ferret (GitHub: wincent/ferret) by Greg Hurrell is a search plugin that offers asynchronous search, multi-file replace, args list/argdo support, and QuickFix listing enhancements.

It supports The Silver Searcher, Ack, and grep. Asynchronous support is done with dispatch.vim — you have to…