The Hero’s Hold #7 — Dec. 27, 2021

8 min readDec 27, 2021


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 12/27 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Wallets)

Let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

Even with the holidays, it was another busy week in the Kingdoms! Here are a few highlights from the week:

Relief for Typhoon Odette

As you’re probably aware, Typhoon Odette/Rai swept across the Philippines early this week, killing at least 400 people, doing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage, and completely destroying some 55,000 homes.

Devastation in Surigao City, Philippines after Typhoon Odette

DeFi Kingdoms is supporting the relief efforts organized by Yield Guild Games through @YGGPilipinas. The DFK team has created a new multi-sig wallet to collect donations, and will match donations up to $250k.

As of writing, the DFK community has raised around $195,000 before the team’s match. You can check out information about donating here, and send donations in ONE or JEWEL to the donation wallet at:


Thank you to the DeFi Kingdoms community for all of your generosity!

Gardening Quests Enter Beta

After a long wait and some delays due to bugs, Gardening Quests have finally been released on the DFK beta testing site!

Druid Lam invites us to go questing in the Gardens!

Unlike Foraging and Fishing quests, Gardening quests allow us to earn rewards in JEWEL proportional to the amounts that we hold in the various in-game Gardens (incentivized Liquidity Pools). You can read Hubert’s lengthy description of how JEWEL rewards are calculated on Discord, or with commentary from Samichpunch.

After an initial trial period with a reduced reward pool, Fox announced on Friday night that the pool had been increased by 10x and the multiplier reduced. However, rewards should remain at about 4x what they were when the quests were initially released.

Fox’s comments on adjusting the questing reward pool

If you’d like to calculate your potential JEWEL rewards, check out this spreadsheet.

And what about non-JEWEL rewards? Gardening quests can also yield six additional items:

  • Green Pet Egg
  • Shvas Runes and Gaia’s Tears
  • Milkweed (12.5g), Spiderfruit (10g), and Bluestem (5g)

The first three of these items drop at the same rates as in the other two quests (or as their equivalents in the case of the Pet Eggs). And while the drop rates of the new items haven’t been announced, based on their sale prices to Vendor Zada, we can guess that they have equivalent drop rates of 4.015% (Milkweed), 6.015% (Spiderfruit), and 9.015% (Bluestem).

As for their uses, as always, the tooltips give us a pretty good clue:

  • Milkweed: Magic Resistance Potion
  • Spiderfruit: Anti-Poison Potion
  • Bluestem: Mana Potion

Happy Questing!

Hero Alpha from FriskyFox

When FriskyFox dropped into #price-discussion on Christmas Eve to let us know about the adjustments to the Quest Reward Pool, he also dropped a bit of alpha on some (potential) future plans. You can read the whole conversation starting here, but one notable tidbit focused on hero burn mechanics:

We’ve got some burn mechanics planned for Heroes too … riskier missions that give higher rewards but also higher risk (hero might die) … with a graveyard zone to show the ghosts of lost heroes

gen0s wouldn’t be able to be sent on these … we need to protect the gene pool … there could be phoenix downs or some kind of rare items that might be able to bring them back … but it would be expensive — FriskyFox

In addition to fatal quests, he also talked a bit about balancing quest rewards and player behavior, summoning costs, and future quest gating for hero skill levels. There was also this on a mobile app that could work without MetaMask, noting that development was still a ways off in the future:

The idea is to let people ‘charge up’ their account with some JEWEL and then be able to play from a dedicated app on their phone without needing to sign transactions. The API could pay the transaction cost for them and charge a very small JEWEL fee to cover the gas. — FriskyFox

The Summoner’s Circle

That was a lot of news! Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

Total Heroes: 80,843 (+4,948 / 6.52%)

Note: Going forward, the charts in this section and the next will continue to update with each new week’s data, rather than remain static in time.

Hero Growth

Hero growth continued to slow significantly this week in response to the increasing price of JEWEL and the holiday week. The total number of heroes increased by just under 5,000 this week — around 6.5%, with an average of around 700 new heroes summoned every day this week, the lowest we’ve seen since the Wishing Well was released at the beginning of November.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Dec. 27: 80,843 (4,948 / 6.5%)
• Dec. 20: 75,895 (8,161 / 12.0%)
• Dec. 13: 67,734 (10,108 / 17.5%)
• Dec. 6: 57,626 (9,728 / 20.3%)

Hero Stat Breakdowns

This week, we saw the number of Level 2 and Level 3 heroes surpass the number of Level 1s. And Level 4s are just around the corner!

Interestingly, Gen3 heroes lost ground to Gen1s this week — indicating that it’s mostly Gen0 holders who are still doing the summoning.

The Adventurer’s Guild

In this section, we track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 11,518* (+961 / 9.1%)

* This week’s data is a little better than last week’s, due to fixes for “stuck” heroes. However, we’re unable to track the owners of 26 heroes this week, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth continued to increase this week, increasing by 1,227, with the percentage also increasing slightly to 10.65%.

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Dec. 27: 12,745 (1,227 / 10.65%)
• Dec. 20: 11,518 (961 / 9.1%)
• Dec. 13: 10,557 (1,166 / 12.4%)
• Dec. 6: 9,391 (1,107 / 13.4%)

In terms of overall DFK profile stats — recall that these are the number of profiles created in the game, not necessarily all wallets that have interacted with it that number increased by a significant 10.4%, even as the share of hero wallets to profiles barely changed at 17.4% (up by .1%), indicating that hero adoption is keeping pace with profile growth.

Hero Wallet Stats

This week the average number of heroes held per wallet decreased to 6.34 (-3.5%), while the median wallet dropped back down to 2 heroes.

A few key hero wallet metrics

The share of hero holdings by the Top 50 wallets continued to decrease slightly this week, by 2.4%, even as the number of heroes increased by over 10%. The share of wallets holding only one hero also increase slightly this week by 1.8% to 32.8%. An additional 468 wallets have one hero from last week, an increase of 12.6%.

Wallet Rankings

Please note the logarithmic y-axis scales of the charts below, and that this first chart groups wallets holding 75–99, 100–124, 125–149, 150–199, and 200+ heroes. If you have better ideas for how to display this data, please let me know!

Gen0 Wallet Stats

We’re also checking in on Gen0 wallets, in order to keep an eye on potential consolidation.

Total Gen0 Wallets: 852* (+9 from last week)

Note: As with the broader hero data, there is one Gen0 (#1052) whose ownership status is unknown, so it is excluded here.

After weeks of relative stability, the number of Gen0 wallets actually increased by a decent amount this week. It looks like most of this movement came from the Top 50 wallets, who collectively sold off (or moved) 10 Gen0s to smaller and new wallets. Perhaps the lower entry point (in JEWEL) for Gen0s spurred some purchases by those who had been waiting for the opportunity.

A few key metrics for Gen0 wallets

Unlike previous weeks, there was no major individual movement to report here, beyond a bit of shuffling among some of the top wallets.

Whale Watch

Finally, let’s check in on our hero whales. Relatively minor changes here, though the Top 10 have been shuffling around for a few weeks now. The number of wallets with 100+ heroes also increased by 1 this week to 39.

Account Name / Hero Count (Change) / Gen0s

  1. Veilvi / 478 (+2) / 19 (-2)
  2. Almost / 378 (+33) / 0
  3. leon / 250 (+14) / 8
  4. Pikul / 250 (+20) / 6
  5. Wouter / 245 (+0) / 5
  6. Jilly / 211 (+23) / 3
  7. holmes / 204 (+12) / 12
  8. DarkSaga / 204 (+10) / 1
  9. Le Ogre / 203 (+23) / 25
  10. ぷでぃんぐ / 202(+1) / 0

Total heroes held by Top 10: 2,625 (+124 / +4.96%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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