Books that will make you a better Product Manager

Adam Kryszkiewicz
2 min readApr 14, 2022
Me, my mug, and my books ;)

In my first years as a Product Manager, I learned mainly by working and talking to more experienced teammates. It was a great, perfect start! However, I realized that I had to start learning “outside” to develop more.

I discovered my development path: product books (mainly audiobooks). Plus, I found a great map for this path — this article from Ravi Maheta.

Author: Ravi Macheta, source: “What’s Your Shape? A Product Manager’s Guide to Growing Yourself and Your Team”

Based on the set of competencies described in this article, I try to develop comprehensively as a Product Manager, paying special attention to my shortcomings and the needs of the product I am developing.

Below, I tried to assign the books that I have read to the appropriate Product Manager competences. Of course, I’ll keep adding more and more books. I hope it will be useful to someone.

Please suggest new reading recommendations and provide any feedback in the comments.

🤹 All skills
“Inspired” (my review, audiobook)
“The Product Lean Playbook” (my review, audiobook)
“Build” (my review, audiobook)

📈 Strategic Impact
Good to Great”(my review, audiobook)
“Good Strategy / Bad Strategy” (my review, audiobook)
“Working Backwards” (my review, audiobook)
“Blue Ocean Strategy” (my review, audiobook)

💸 Business Outcome Ownership
The Lean Startup” (I read it a long time ago, but maybe I’ll write a review one day, book)
“Radical Focus” (my review, audiobook)
“Measure What Matters” (my review, audiobook)
“Good to Great”(my review, audiobook)
“Blue Ocean Strategy” (my review, audiobook)

🤗 Stakeholder Management
“Escaping the Build Trap” (my review, audiobook)
“Made to Stick” (my review, audiobook)

🥑 Team leadership
“Radical Candor” (my review, audiobook)
“Dare to Lead” (my review, audiobook)
“The world culture map” (my review, audiobook)

✨ Managing up
“Escaping the Build Trap” (my review, audiobook)
“Build” (my review, audiobook)

📃 Feature specification
User story mapping” (my review, audiobook)

📦 Product Delivery
“The Phoenix Project” (my review, audiobook in PL)
“Shape up” (I forgot to write a review, but I have to do that, online book)

🤓 Fluency with Data
“Measure What Matters” (my review, audiobook)
“Lean Analitycs” (soon, book)

🙆 Voice of the Customer
The mom test” (my review, book)
“Continue discovery habits” (my review, book)

🔀 User Experience Design
“Hooked” (my review, audiobook)
“Sprint” (my review, audiobook)
“The Design of Everyday Things” (my review, audiobook)

🔭 Product Vision and Roadmapping
“Product Roadmaps Relaunched” (my review, audiobook)

✔️ Quality assurance
Any ideas?



Adam Kryszkiewicz

PM at Displate. We help people to collect their passions. Love working in interdisciplinary teams. Big “Star Trek” fan.