3 Types of People to Steer Clear of for a Successful Life

2 min readMar 27, 2024


Success Mindset Coaching:
You absolutely must keep your distance from people who fit the following three categories. They can have a hugely negative impact on your life.
Just by filtering these kinds of people out of your life, you’re halfway to living a successful one.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Here are the three worst types of people:

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1 Those who constantly point out your flaws.
Those who belittle everything you do.
Those who talk about your future in a negative light.

You should never keep such people close.

Because their words will continuously affect your subconscious,

making you overly aware of your flaws without realizing it,

doubting your actions,

and feeling anxious about an uncertain future.

Words aren’t just something that can upset you momentarily

and then you move on.

They’re not that simple.

Our thoughts and actions change based on the words we speak and hear,

and as a result, our lives change too.

So, if you have people like this around you,

it’s essential to keep your distance from them.

That’s how you’ll survive.




Passionate about life's adventures. Daily diaries on joys, challenges, and everything in between. 👉 Support My Efforts! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/eva24