5 Tips for Better Workplace Relationships

4 min readMar 29, 2024


Is It Just Me, or Is Navigating Relationships Hard?

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Can’t say no to requests from your boss or colleagues.

Feeling suffocated because of a demanding boss, subordinates who only work when told, and colleagues with differing opinions.

You want to genuinely celebrate a coworker’s success,
but jealousy and inferiority often get the better of you.

Worried about others’ opinions, you hide your true self.

Always blaming yourself, thinking “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this.”

Are you struggling with these issues at work right now?

Welcome to the inevitable conflicts and challenges of workplace relationships!

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Actually, relationships are the top source of stress at work.

But there are definitely people who manage to enjoy their time with colleagues, stress-free, and excel at their jobs.

What’s their secret to thriving in the workplace?

If you can’t quit your job today, learn how to protect yourself in the maze of workplace relationships with these 5 tips for navigating relationships at work.

Let’s navigate the tough terrains of workplace relationships together, towards a wiser working life 🧡

Workplace relationships: the leading cause of stress.

“Work is hard because of relationships!” “Companies are tough places.” “Just gotta bear with it.” That’s how many of us have lived.

Feeling something was off, I started asking colleagues and bosses who seemed to communicate well and handle their work with ease if they had any tricks.

I noticed a common thread among them.

Though their words differed, everyone shared the belief,
“This is what I think, and that’s enough for me.”

In other words, they were all about self-approval.

The key to relationships? Self-esteem.

“So, how can we boost our self-esteem at work?”

1. Value Yourself

When we say “value yourself,” some might think it’s selfish. But remember:

Being “selfish” means using others for your own satisfaction.

Valuing yourself means satisfying your own needs.

Begging others to recognize you is selfish,
but recognizing yourself is valuing yourself.

2. Affirm Your Emotions

Positive thinking is good, but don’t deny your negative emotions.

Valuing yourself means affirming your own emotions.

If you’ve always been hard on yourself, it’s even more important to acknowledge feelings like fear, sadness, anxiety, and restlessness.

And of course, positive emotions need no explanation!

3. Do What You Want, Quit What You Don’t

Learn to say no to overwhelming tasks.

Sometimes, leave work at work.

Take a vacation for no special reason and travel.

Wear bright clothes.

Eat your favorite dish first.

Leave food you don’t like.

It’s about trying new things that you could do but haven’t yet.

It’s meaningful because it’s scary to start.

4. Discover Your Superiority

People with strong inferiority complexes don’t realize they have areas where they excel because they focus on their weaknesses.

Your strengths or passions often hide your “superiority.”

It doesn’t matter if it’s unrelated to work or just a hobby.

Compliments from others can reveal strengths you weren’t aware of.

5. Be Grateful for Compliments

Refusing compliments is an insult to the giver.

By not accepting compliments, you’re not only undervaluing yourself
but also the colleagues who compliment you.

Always accept compliments with gratitude.

When you start accepting compliments,
you’ll naturally start giving them too.

People tend to return the favor.

Worried about getting too proud? You don’t have to be.

Saying “thank you” is for you as much as it is for them.

“Why are relationships so hard?”

Strong feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem,
it’s neither your fault nor theirs!

Learn how to face your feelings and overcome the challenges of relationships with the secret to boosting your self-esteem!




Passionate about life's adventures. Daily diaries on joys, challenges, and everything in between. 👉 Support My Efforts! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/eva24