7 Hard-Hitting Life Philosophies from Sonny’s Dad, Who Reads 100 Books a Year

3 min readMar 26, 2024


England Premier League top scorer Sonny’s dad shares the best 7 essential life philosophies

Photo by Winston Tjia on Unsplash

The 7 life philosophies go like this:

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“Humans should fear getting a reputation as much as pigs should fear getting fat”

Don’t get cocky just because you’ve become a bit famous.
Always live humbly.

“Don’t recklessly walk across a snow-covered field”

You never know if your path will serve as a guidepost for those who follow, so don’t just wander about a snow-covered field carelessly.

“Bamboo roots spend 5 years growing”

Thinking only about growing upwards,
a tree can easily be snapped by a minor wind.
For a tree and its trunk to be strong, its roots must be solid first.

“Read a good book at least three time”

When reading, prepare three pens: black, blue, and red.
Good books should be read at least three times while taking notes.

“To go a hundred miles, consider ninety just halfway”

Life is always in progress, never complete.
Even if you think you’ve done well so far,
act as if you’re only halfway there and don’t slack off, keep pushing.

“Stay hungry, Stay foolish”

There’s nothing more dangerous in life than thinking you’ve succeeded while you’re still young.
Like Steve Jobs, always be hungry and always be foolish,
always ready for what’s next.

“Getting older doesn’t mean getting wiser”

The older you get, the more things you have to work on and the more you have to learn.
Even as you age, you must tidy up your heart every day
and continue learning to become wiser.

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