6 Tips for Excelling in the Workplace

3 min readApr 5, 2024


For many new to the workforce or preparing to enter it,
navigating office life can seem daunting, often feeling pulled in different directions by others’ opinions and judgments.

However, those who’ve been in the game for a decade or more often find they’ve built up a resilience that keeps them focused on their goals and work, paying little mind to much else.

Photo by LYCS Architecture on Unsplash

Here are some insights from their experiences:

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1. Don’t Put Your Trust in Workplace Relationships.

It’s a fact of office life: you’re going to get betrayed.

People often put others down to shine themselves,
but truly capable individuals don’t need to resort to such tactics.

Remember, the office can be a political arena;
treating colleagues like close friends or family can lead to disappointment.

2. Do your best to look busy and act like you’re struggling.

Even if you finish your work quickly, don’t rush to report it.

Work is typically about meeting deadlines rather than speed,
and companies value those who can meticulously handle their tasks without error over those who simply churn through volume.

Ask plenty of questions and seek clarity, but steer clear of boasting about your workload with colleagues — it’s a quick way to earn their disdain.

3. Steer Clear of Money Talks.

Let’s be real: most of us work for the money.

However, flaunting wealth or financial achievements in the office is a surefire way to attract negative attention.

If you must talk about money, bonding over the lack thereof can lead to much more pleasant conversations.

4. Don’t Suck Up to Your Boss in Front of Others.

If you want to show appreciation to your boss, do it subtly.

Overt flattery can backfire, sparking gossip and resentment among your team.

Express gratitude privately instead.

5. Accept That Work Is Hard.

Feeling overwhelmed and wanting to quit is part of the job,
especially early in your career.

Only with time and experience do tasks become easier and your perspective broadens.

Bouncing from job to job won’t solve your stress — it’s normal to feel challenged, especially in roles dealing with complex interpersonal dynamic.

6. Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Workplace Basket.

Your current job isn’t the be-all and end-all of your life.

Remember, you’re there to earn money, not to clean up after others.

Salary comes from the company, not from any one person.

In every workplace, there will be difficult people,

but they’re irrelevant outside the office walls.

Don’t waste your precious time or emotional energy on them.

Remember, it’s about using your time wisely and keeping your eye on the bigger picture.




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