On Protecting Your Magic

Ozzy Etomi
4 min readJun 15, 2016


June 15th

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” — Rumi

Protect Your Eyes

From seeing only adversity where there is opportunity. From relying on itself only as far as it can see. From crying wasted tears on the undeserving. From allowing everyone a view into your soul. Not everyone must see your pain. Not everyone must see your heart.

Protect your Ears

From too much noise. From hearing what eyes didn’t see. From people and situations that will not fill between them with useful information. From covering itself from the truth. From forgetting that sometimes, all you need to do is listen.

Protect Your Mouth

From making excuses. From gossip, slander and negative talk. From speaking ill of everything and every one. Only the weak seek to belittle. From insincere words and false promises. From unsolicited advice. From criticism and self deprecation. Remember that all that you speak will be attracted into your life.

Protect your Hands

From holding unto what you should let go of. From letting go of what you should hold tightly to. From mishandling the gifts that have been placed in them. From clenching your fists so tightly that no-one can hold unto you.

Protect Your Legs

From rooting itself so stubbornly in one place, that you forget to explore this big and beautiful world. From walking you into places and situations that you should not be in. From running away from problems instead of seeking solutions. We were given legs so we could dance boldly into our lives.

Protect Your Mind

From entertaining idle thoughts. From dwelling on the mistakes of the past. From rehashing bad memories. From being closed to new possibilities. From dwelling in other people’s business. Allow your mind the freedom to dream, and concentrate your thoughts on serving your purpose.

Protect Your Space

From those who will violate it. From those who will have no regards for the boundaries that you have set. From those who will bring their clutter, then use you as their dumping ground. You need your space to refocus on re-centering, gathering your thoughts and getting your mind in tune with your body and your soul. There is nothing wrong with loving people from a distance.

Protect Yourself

From the parasites who will come into your life to sap your life source. People who will use you without conscience. People who take without hesitation but give grudgingly. From those who are thoughtless and inconsiderate. If you do not set your limits, they will happily stretch you until you lose all elasticity.

Protect Your Energy

From those who feed off negativity. From those who feed off the lows but are coincidentally unavailable during the highs. From the people who will sow seeds of fear, doubt and distrust. From those who report then repeat every negative thing said about you under the pretense of caring and kindness. Wear positivity like an armor; everything may not be good, but there is good in everything.

Protect Your Time

From those who only seek to waste it. By trying to spend every second of it being useful to yourself and to others. By stopping to appreciate its gift and knowing that we cannot recover it once it is lost. By spending it with those who we love and doing that which we love.

Protect Your Heart

From those who will handle what you have so lovingly given with casual indifference. From hardening up after a devastating loss or a crushing experience. From freely giving itself to those who are too unworthy to hear it beat. From making space for those who never had any intention of moving in. Be guarded with this most precious part of yourself; but allow love to flow freely because loving is the ultimate source of happiness.

Protect your soul and your spirit from outside contamination.

Protect your sense of wonder, your openness of spirit, your joy for living, your youthful energy and childlike abandon.

Protect your ability to laugh, to cry, to feel, to heal.

Fiercely and ruthlessly protect your magic from those who are too cynical to believe in theirs.

Thank you for taking the time out to read what I have so lovingly shared. If you like what you read, please click the little green heart at the bottom of the screen :)

This is day 15 of my 30 day writing project. Please click on my stories if you would like to check out some of my other entries.

The Women Who Are Too Much

Nobody Enjoys Being Different

One Of Those Days 2

Forgive Yourself

Marriage Advice For Men (You’re Welcome)

13 Lessons I Learned From Paul Coehlo

The Women Scorned

Fire Starter

The Women Before Me

On Making Friends And Alienating People

Just One Of Those Days

To The She-women Feminist Haters Club

No, I am Not Taking My Husband’s Name

My 30 Day Writing Project

Some other stories by me:

Quitting Isn’t Giving Up

Nigerian Senate Fails on Women’s Rights Bill

On Gender Roles & Female Entitlement

Why Married Women Need Friends



Ozzy Etomi

I write about gender, culture, feminism and shared human experiences. Working on my first book. My personal website is www.ozzyetomi.com