Carry the Staff of Moses and Use it Well!
Rarely will you ever see a picture of Moses without his great staff in hand. The Staff of Moses is near synonymous with this powerful being.
The Staff of Moses should remind you not of his power but of yours.
Moses represents what it means to be righteous.
Righteousness is a little like what the Christian church teaches but it’s much much more.
Righteousness is the rightful use of your Christhood that gives you manifest power over all things.
As an example, Moses used his Staff to manifest plagues that would teach the pharaoh and his son a great lesson. He used it to help feed his people and of course, to part the Red Sea.
The Staff of Moses is also a symbol of one-pointed focus.
If ever there was a sharply focused entity it was Moses. He had the kind of focus you need to lead a Great Exodus out of Egypt. You don’t do that with a chaotic fearful mind. It takes not just courage but focus and manifest power of a Christ (which he was) to lead an Exodus.
Many people’s minds are sick in chaos right now. Those are minds that can be so easily controlled.
The antidote is focus.
But you have to want it. And you have to work for it as I’m sure Moses did. It doesn’t just happen to you.
I find this portion of a recent “X” post by Bernhard Guenther, Piercing the Veil of Reality, so true:
Considering the vast majority of humans live on the surface consciousness, driven by unconscious impulses, wounds, shadow, traumas, conditioning, and identified with every thought and feeling that arises, we can see how easily we can be controlled/manipulated by the occult hostile forces tagging into our blindspots and lower nature of the vital.
And as I said in an earlier article:
Get yourself on the road to creating what you want. No one else is going to do it for you.
You have to get a hold of your mind.
It will require diligence. You’ll have to make these mental shifts often before you get in the habit of it.
But if you discover it’s just too difficult, it only means you don’t really want that life of your dreams.
Moses had steadfast tenacity, enduring stamina and inner strength.
After his adoptive father and brother banished him he wandered in the deserts. Many a night he wondered exactly where he was going. At the same time, he had a knowing there was indeed a place and a mission for him.
And here Moses sets for us another example. Moses went through everything we do. But he hung in there and just kept on keeping on.
Moses was steadfast. He had tenacity and enduring strength and stamina.
And so must you and I have the same qualities too.
If you’re wondering how to develop them, it’s really quite simple. You just put one foot in front of the other every second.
This is how you get somewhere not just in life but in your spiritual life.
Moses’ followed his heart and personal integrity as inner compass.
Wandering the desert after his banishment from the royal court, Moses’ heart remained with the Hebrew people. He’d known he was one of them for a long time.
And even though he’d lived an opulent life he was willing to give all that up. He gave it all up not just for his people but to honor his own personal integrity.
His personal integrity was his inner compass.
How could he live with himself otherwise?
How can we live with ourselves compromising our personal integrity for money, comforts or position?
The Staff is a visual symbol of spiritual teaching and connection with the Higher Worlds.
Moses went back to Pharaoh, Staff in hand, firmly resolved to liberate his people. They wouldn’t hear of his requests. So as last resort he summoned plagues that wore his father and brother down so much they released Moses’ people.
Now here’s what the bible doesn’t tell you. The Staff of Moses was also imbued with a Divine Power. It was a sort of lightning rod connecting him with extraterrestrial ships overhead. These are the very same ships from which he and you and I have come.
As they made their Exodus, the ET crafts hovered in the sky watching over them. Having the purview of omniscience, the seventh dimension Pleiadians already knew Ramses would have a change of heart.
And so when the Egyptian legions came after them, the extraterrestrials assisted Moses.
Moses is the Lawgiver. What he spoke was Law and he knew it to be so.
Moses declared pounding his staff into the shoreline:
Let there be intervention!
And the Mother Ship sent down a great wall of impenetrable laser light. (In the days of the Bible, things like laser light were seen as fire.)
Once all the people were safely through the corridor of Light, the laser wall was shut down. And we know the rest of the story.
You, like Moses, are your own Lawgiver. This means you follow only Laws that honor your personal integrity. You’re sovereign and you honor yourself… always.
It also means that what you command is Law! You must be very careful with your words and decrees. Speak impeccably and say everything with intention to create. Don’t create by default because you were unconscious.
Carry your own Staff of Moses to uplift the world.
You may imagine and see the visual of the Staff of Moses in your mind’s eye, but it is real.
In your prayers and affirmations see yourself holding the Staff of Moses.
See yourself pound the Staff into the ground with each good work you share or kind word you speak. Notice the waves of Light that ripple out onto the whole world.
This is true prayer… manifestation… power.
I share with you my own Staff of Moses decree and prayer:
I carry the Staff of Moses. With this Staff I proclaim and ordain Stargates opening onto new frontiers of the future. Each time I pound my Staff of Moses into the ground through any of my well-intended actions and creations, waves of Light go out to all people on Earth to prepare them for their ascension.
Take the great example of the Master Moses into your heart, your being and your life. Give laser focus to your spiritual life and all that you desire.
In your service on Earth, remember you’re both Lawgiver and Law.
You are a Christ. Use your Christhood rightly and be in your power. Be earnest in your spiritual life, follow your inner compass and like Moses, stay connected with the Higher Worlds.
Follow the example and carry the Staff of Moses always. Call on him for assistance. He truly does exist.
Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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