Misty Rose Series

A novel about a vampire Millennial. No, really.

Karl Hodtwalker
2 min readAug 30, 2019

I first began this series as a number of novellas in June of 2018. Three months and six novellas later, I decided my original format was too limiting, so I started rewriting them in a more standard format. Three months and one novel after that, I decided basing it in someone else’s setting was too limiting, so I started reworking it again (with a slight detour to write out an eye dialect that I liked but which proved too hard to read).

This is that third version.

I’ve actually got more than one of these, but I’ve decided to just put this one up for now. Writing these is fun, but posting them is tedious, and it’s not like I’m getting paid for these. Yet.

DISCLAIMER 1: The “Mature” tag is used because of Rated R content — violence, sexual themes, and lots and lots of bad language. If you don’t like any these things, don’t read it. There’s lots of other things to read.

Likewise, don’t read this if you take certain common elements of urban fantasy, gothic fiction, and/or the supernatural Way Too Seriously. It’s not a satire, but it’s also not romanticized like many examples out there. If something sucks, expect characters to say it sucks.

DISCLAIMER 2: Yes, I’m aware that it’s written badly. That’s deliberate.

Misty is a bad writer.

I have it on good authority from many sources that the way Misty’s mind works and her style of communication are accurate for her social and economic background, so if you find her annoyingly circuitous and imprecise, that’s her fault, and I’ve done a good job of writing her voice. Fact is, people don’t usually think in novel format. I’ve actually cleaned it up somewhat, so if it’s still too annoying, you don’t have to read it. I’ve written other things in my actual style, if you’re interested. If not, that’s cool too.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, consider the entire series to have a TRIGGER WARNING. I’m not joking around about this. Trauma is a significant theme throughout the work, and while I don’t get particularly graphic, certain events may trigger responses in people who have had similar things happen to them. Everything presented is something that happened to me, to someone I know, and/or from an account I’ve read. Well, except specifically the being-turned-into-a-vampire thing. I had to extrapolate that from other traumatic events. Again, don’t read it if such things bother you — I put the Trigger Warning tag on all of the Misty Rose chapters for a reason.

Misty Rose: Nature

[Chapter 01][Chapter 02][Chapter 03][Chapter 04][Chapter 05] [Chapter 06][Chapter 07][Chapter 08][Chapter 09][Chapter 10] [Chapter 11][Chapter 12][Chapter 13][Chapter 14][Chapter 15] [Chapter 16][Chapter 17][Chapter 18][Chapter 19][Chapter 20] [Chapter 21][Chapter 22][Chapter 23][Chapter 24][Chapter 25] [Chapter 26][Chapter 27][Chapter 28][Chapter 29][Chapter 30] [Chapter 31][Chapter 32][Chapter 33][Chapter 34][Chapter 35] [Chapter 36][Chapter 37][Chapter 38][Chapter 39][Chapter 40] [Chapter 41][Chapter 42]

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