Syntropy Stack + Team Fortress 2: Gaming Integration

Spin-up a Syntropy+Team Fortress 2 experience in minutes, with more features to come.

Jonas Simanavicius
2 min readAug 4, 2021

Developed and published by Valve Corporation, Team Fortress 2 quickly became one of the most popular multiplayer first-person shooters in history. Today, we’re excited to release an official integration that allows every Team Fortress 2 gamer to connect with Syntropy.

From the start, Syntropy-connected gamers will have encrypted-by-default connections, adding a valuable layer of security to their gameplay. When our tech stack is fully integrated, players can take advantage of our performance benefits which include reduced latency plus improved jitter and downtime.

This integration represents yet another step forward in creating immediate use cases for our technology that can be adopted today by millions of potential users. In addition to Team Fortress 2, we’ve also released integrations for other gaming universes, including FiveM, Minecraft, Terraria, and CS:GO.

View the full list of integrations on our GitHub repo here.

Gaming with Syntropy has never been easier.

Syntropy is the perfect match for the gaming industry, where security and performance are prized. But our network benefits extend far beyond gaming.

In the blockchain industry, for example, security and performance are not only valued — they’re necessary for the system itself to function. That’s why we’ve also released integrations for technologies like Ethereum, Ethereum 2.0, Bitcoin, Elrond, Chainlink, and Polkadot.

These blockchain integrations weave Syntropy and NOIA directly into the fabric of major blockchain networks, helping them function better at their core.

Learn more about why integrations are so valuable to the Syntropy ecosystem and long-term network adoption, by reading this quick primer.

Syntropy is a Layer Zero solution for everything that runs on on the internet, including decentralized networks and applications.

Our tech can improve speed, uptime, and security for millions of users. Blockchain and gaming applications are just the start. We are continually working on additional integrations which will make it even easier for all technology systems to ride on our network.

If you have a technology, application, or protocol you’d like to see built on Syntropy, shoot us an email at or join our Telegram and start chatting.

