[English] Support DREP, Be a Winner — DREP Global Community AMA

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
19 min readJan 19, 2020

To reward the community members who support DREP in Binance Community Coin Vote, DREP hosted 22 global community AMAs in the past 2 weeks and it has received good responses from the community. Below are some highlights of Q&As in the 22 AMAs.

Q1: What is DREP? What are DREP’s competitive advantages?

DREP is committed towards building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that promotes the ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. With the technologies behind DREP Chain, ID, Reputation Protocol and SDK, DREP aims to build an open data ecosystem thereby disrupting the current status quo of segregated users and synchronizing fragmented data found on multiple chains. As of today, we had launched a total of 4 phases of Testnets, submitted 3847 updates in GitHub, completed 1626 tests which includes 1226 Sanity tests.

DREP has 6 distinctive competitive advantages, namely:

(1) DREP is the first project who supports one-click DApps deployment on multiple public chains. DREP Pre-Mainnet has been launched in September 2019 and open resourced.

(2) With DREP’ s SDK, super DApps supporting multi-chains can be created, our first gamification tool, DREP Mining, was developed based on DREP SDK.

(3) We are growing fast with a strong focus on B2B aspect. We had provided technical docking to over 60 enterprise clients in the internet, finance, real estate, and manufacturing industries.

(4) We are endorsed by industry leading figures. Mr. Daniel Wang, COO of Riot China, as DREP’ s advisor. Mr. Wang supports DREP with the formation and development of DREP’s Gaming Ecosystem. His endorsement of the technologies behind DREP’s Gaming SDK, helped to promote and increase the adoption of DREP’s products and technology.

(5) We are the first blockchain apprentice facility jointly supported by Nanyang International Technology Innovation Center and Nanyang International Club, endorsed by the Nanyang Technological University.

(6) The excellent competency of the DREP development team. Among our 19 full-time developers, 7 are core developers from other well-known public chain projects or head internet companies, and all of them have 3 to 4 years’ experience of blockchain research and development.

Q2: What’s DREP core technology? What makes DREP superior than other public-chain projects?

DREP core technologies include:

1. The proprietary DREP Chain is developed by the DREP team using the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerant (DBFT) algorithm. It is compatible with smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly (WASM) formats with a dual-layer structure comprising of a stable root chain and customizable sub-chains.

We had launched 4 different phases of Testnet so far, the github links and medium articles are as follows:


(1) DREP Testnet1.0 Darwin core performance summary:


(2) DREP Testnet2.0 Riemann core performance summary:


(3) DREP Testnet3.0 Euler core performance summary:


(4) DREP Testnet4.0 Planck core performance summary:


2. DREP utilizes the concept of Smart Pipeline technology, which greatly improves data processing ability. Compared to existing smart contracts, DREP Smart Pipeline would be able to handle more complex application scenarios while offering a more flexible and economical execution process with the consumption of zero gas.

3. DREP adopts a Schnorr Multi-Signature Algorithm that is based on the Secp256k1 elliptic curve to improve network efficiency and reduce transmission overheads.

4. To achieve data connectivity and privacy protection, DREP has designed a Decentralized ID (DID) system based on HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) algorithm, forming a dual-layer system of master ID and multiple sub-IDs. DREP Client allows users to manage data and assets on centralized and decentralized platforms within one interface

5. To enhance data privacy protection, DREP Chain adopts the use of homomorphic encryption to safeguard users’ sensitive information.

6. To provide an easy-to-use tool interface for 2B enterprises and provide an efficient and frictionless service portal for DREP Ecosystem users, DREP launched a comprehensive DREP Client integrating functions including asset management, identity management, application development, and traffic portal:

(1) DREP Client Beta:


(2) DREP Client V1.3.0 core performance summary:


(3) DREP Client V1.2.0 core performance summary:


(4) DREP Client V1.0.0 core performance summary:


7. To lower the entry barrier and the cost of adoption, DREP has developed API, Plug-ins and SDKs for several vertical markets. With these toolkits, DApp development teams can deploy on multiple public chains at the same time easily, with built-in wallets and asset trading platforms. With DREP ID, the developers can also acquire users from various public chain ecosystem, converting them into users and making Super DApps an achievable reality.

8. DREP SDK adopts a service-oriented architecture, similar to Java’s Spring container development. In most blockchain project code, the modules are more coupled. Using this approach, DREP allows the modules to be fully decoupled and the code can be easily refactored with a clearer logic

9. The technical features of DREP BaaS (Backend as a Service) are as follows:

Q3: Can you introduce the application scenarios DREP achieved so far?

DREP has been provided technical consulting or service for over 60 enterprises worldwide in the Internet, financial, real estate and manufacturing industries.

Cooperation in DREP DID:

(1) DREP joined the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) along with Microsoft, IBM and Accenture to jointly further explore DID development. DIF has also adopted DREP DID technologies to improve the experience of it’s own decentralized ID system.


(2) DREP joined forces with TRIUM (The alliance of NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and HEC Paris) to develop blockchain retail credit protocol, making full use of DREP DID to empower digital credit market. At present, DREP technologies has been used in the commercial application plan of the credit system in the retail industry.

(3) DREP partnered with Zebi for Enrichment of on-chain data. With DREP DID, it has bridged offline data and online reputation data.


(4) DREP signed an agreement with Dubai group buying platform Comebey, with functions of DREP’s decentralized reputation system to be implemented on Comebey and data sharing will be realized on DREP chain later. Currently, it is under API docking process.


(5) DREP collaboratively incubated a Dapp, EggFoster. The partnership involves utilizing DREP’s decentralized reputation system to quantify online reputation.

(6) DREP cooperated with WeStart, whose main business is the KYC of Blockchain users. DREP has started the cooperation with Western banks and exchanges served by Westart with regards to authenticating data inputs


Cooperation in products based on DREP SDK:

(1) DREP established an in-depth strategic cooperation with a gaming unicorn Bijiaqi. Based on DREP SDK, DREP will provide technology support and help build Bijiaqi platform into one of the leading decentralized game virtual asset trading platform worldwide. As of today, DREP has completed most of the technology docking and many global game asset producers and over 90% of overseas B2C game asset trading platforms have registerd in Bijiaqi. Through this cooperation, DREP will reach hundreds of millions of gamers in multiple regions globally.


(2) Mr. Daniel Wang, COO of Riot China, joins the DREP family as a Gaming Ecosystem advisor. Mr. Wang supports DREP with the formation and development of DREP’s Gaming Ecosystem. His endorsement of the technologies behind DREP’s Gaming SDK, helped to promote and increased the adoption of DREP’s products and technology.


(3) DREP partnered with GameBank to integrate games on-chain seamlessly. Based on DREP SDK, the built-in payment and transaction engine enable cross-game circulation transactions of user assets and further optimize the digital asset trading experience. Furthermore, based on DREP token, the games in GameBank ecosystem have realized pre-sold and fundraising, and now is under the technical docking period of game assets on-chain.


(4) DREP inked cooperation with GameFarmer, integrating DREP SDK into more game ecosystems increasing our rate of organic growth. As of today, the docking is almost completed and more new game applications will be added.


Cooperation in DREP BaaS:

(1) DREP and BlockGemini formed synergies to support Dubai’s 2020 Blockchain Strategy. Through the underlying technology support, DREP has helped many sister companies of BlockGemini to achieve on-chain in real estate, finance and supply chain industries.


(2) DREP cooperated with Yeeyi, the largest integrated O2O platform in Australia. As a BaaS platform (Blockchain as a service), DREP provides Yeeyi with convenient and high-performance blockchain ecosystem and supporting services, and supports Yeeyi’s business development and operation requirements in terms of account system.

(3) DREP inked a strategic cooperation with Australian e-commerce platform HarkHark and provides corresponding BaaS services for HarkHark. Through a modular SDK, HarkHark can seamlessly deploy its applications and reduce its development threshold and costs.

Apart from providing standard blockchain services, based on developer’s product and business characteristics, DREP can also provide different online configuration and code functions, expand developer-defined functions, meet personalized needs, and improve flexibility.


(4) DREP partnered with Ziggurat to facilitate DREP “Blockchain + Copyright” on-chain. For now, Ziggurat’s intellectual property certification and protection service have been added to DREP chain service content.


(5) DREP cooperated with Fusion to build blockchain cross-chain asset ecology coordinately. Now it’s under the cross-chain technical docking based on DREP Bridge.

Q4: What is DREP token used for? Does DREP generate revenues so far?

In the DREP’s ecosystem, the token is primarily used for gas, transfer fees and staking to support the functionality of the ecosystem itself. We strived to provide consumption and deflationary scenarios through:

(1) In DREP network, DREP tokens are used for all gas fee and transfer fee, and also gives holders the right to use and vote on DREP network.

(2) Within the DREP SDK and Client, DREP tokens is primarily used as a payment method. In order to use the technologies and products developed by DREP, potential consumers must hold DREP tokens. We will also introduce staking programs once our mainnet is launched.

(3) In DREP DApp, as well as the products jointly developed by DREP and partner enterprises, DREP Token will be mainly used as pledged asset. In this occasion, DREP holders can obtain digital assets, exclusive identities through locking liquidity.

In summary, DREP token has rich utility, consumption and deflation scenarios through the applications and solutions offering we provide. We will also ensure the long-term holding value of DREP through burn, buyback and other methods at strategic projects milestones.

Since 2017, we have been cooperating with institutions to develop Blockchain application scenarios while promoting use cases of our tokens, which can generate revenues as well as lead to higher demand for our tokens.

(1) BAAS service:

DREP has cooperated with more than 60+ enterprises worldwide, the technical docking based on DREP chain has started and DREP charges the enterprise for technical service fees;

(2) DREP Client:

DREP Client provides users with wealth management services and charges transfer fee; meanwhile, it can provide projects in various industries with a platform to expand its ecological users; it is also part of the DREP Token consumption scenario;

(3) DREP Bridge:

Based on DREP cross-chain mechanism, DREP Bridge offers the functionality of allowing users to conduct digital asset exchange among multiple main chains with convenience — fees will translate into a consumption of DREP Tokens.

(4) DREP Gamification Tool:

DREP Mining provides projects a platform to for token staking, consumption and usage scenarios, wherein the DREP Token will be consumed.


DREP SDK supports blockchain technology development, multi-currency payment, asset account model and user fission, etc. and provides a platform for projects, wherein the DREP Token will be consumed.

The above products can help to reduce data fragmentation and lower the entrance barrier in blockchain industry, which will be an indispensable part of blockchain industry in the future. DREP will continue to optimize the underlying technology architecture in the future, improve product performance and experience, and promote its continuous operation and development.

Q5: Could you give us the key points to convince investors to invest in DREP in the long term?

A5. All DREP key management and some of our team members (including developers) have been working on iterations of DREP project since mid-2017. Before the ICO in mid-2018, we have bootstrapped with the initial funding from the founders. The team also provided BaaS technical services to better understand our enterprise clients’ needs while managing the operational expenses with no external funding.

We believe that the following irreplaceable advantages can account for DREP’ s strength:

(1) The excellent competency of the DREP research and development team. Among our 19 full-time developers, 7 are core developers from other well-known public chain projects or head internet companies, and all of them have 3 to 4 years’ experience of blockchain research and development.

(2) DREP’s unique market-oriented positioning. DREP is positioned as a connector and toolbox. The technological solutions we provide and our target market of B2B markets are less affected by the market conditions of the digital asset sector. As seen from this prolonged crypto winter, projects without strong R&D capabilities and product relevancy are easily eliminated from the sector.

(3) Good fund management capabilities of the DREP team. Although resources are finite, our team still has a strong operating strength due to good asset management capabilities and prudent capital expenditure, which can ensure the project to pursue a long-term sustainable development progress.

(4) Room for growth in DREP’ s current market capitalization. The overall valuation of the DREP project is now around 35 million US dollars. Compared with the public chain projects in the industry, whose value generally exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars, there is room for DREP’ s future value appreciation.

(5) The confidence of the DREP core team on the long-term development of DREP. The tokens of the DREP team, foundations and consultants have not been unlocked so far. The lock-up period will continue until October 2020, and tokens will be gradually unlocked in 5 years thereafter. When the company was first founded, we didn’t raise from external investors with operations, R&D and marketing being funded internally from the team’s resources. We have a stronger foundation to withstand the bearish conditions of the market since 2018.

Q6: What was your motivation for starting DREP? How serious are you and the management team about DREP?

DREP’s Co-Founder, Xu Xiaolong, was previously the Lead Developer at Qtum Foundation and had the valuable experience of leading the complete development and iteration cycle of the Qtum Chain ecosystem. While at Qtum, he realized that traditional public blockchains lack customization in real life commercial applications, and thus suffer from a shortened service life cycle.

With the aim of solving this pain point, Xiaolong took a leap of faith and co-founded DREP Foundation with several ex-colleagues from Tencent Timi Studios and partners from Google, iQiyi and Orient Securities.

DREP’s vision is to build connectors and toolkits that facilitates easy customization of applications on existing blockchains as well as developing the proprietary DREP Chain. We placed great importance on lowering blockchain adoption barriers with user-friendly APIs and plug-ins. This is done to facilitate enterprises’ adoption of blockchain technology to improve traditional business processes.

All DREP key management and some of our team members (including developers) have been working on iterations of DREP project since mid-2017. Before the ICO in mid-2018, we have bootstrapped with the initial funding from the founders. The team also provided BaaS technical services to better understand our enterprise clients’ needs while managing the operational expenses with no external funding.

Most of our developers were from leading internet companies or public blockchain teams. Some were CTOs/Lead Developers at their most recent employment before joining us. They are very passionate about blockchain technology and are committed to fulfilling DREP’s vision. Despite bearish market conditions which has killed many projects since our fundraising, the team remains on track, and will work relentlessly to unlock the true value of blockchain technology in business application scenarios.

Lastly, as an additional incentive to increase team commitment, the token allocated for DREP’s team members are still locked and will not be distributed before December 2020.

Q7: What’s your vision for the project for the next 1–2 years?

In the next year, DREP will have more breakthroughs in technology and product including:

• DREP Mainnet 1.0 launch

• DREP iOS, Android, WIN, MAC versions launch

• Complete the development of DREP ID v2.0

• DREP smart pipeline integration

• DREP DID 2.0 & SDK launch

• DREP reputation system launch

• DREP zero-knowledge proof integration

Meanwhile, we will cooperate with more institutions to develop more blockchain application scenarios while promoting use cases of our tokens, which hopefully will translate to higher demand for our tokens.

(1) BAAS:

DREP has cooperated with more than 60+ enterprises worldwide, the technical docking based on DREP chain has started and DREP charges the enterprise for technical service fees;

(2) DREP Client:

DREP Client provides users with wealth management services and charges transfer fee; meanwhile, it can provide projects in various industries with a platform to expand its ecological users; it is also part of the DREP Token consumption scenario;

(3) DREP Bridge

Based on DREP cross-chain mechanism, DREP Bridge offers the functionality of allowing users to conduct digital asset exchange among multiple main chains with convenience — fees will translate in a consumption of DREP Tokens.

(4) DREP Gamification Tool

DREP Mining provides projects a platform to for token staking, consumption and usage scenarios, wherein the DREP Token will be consumed.


DREP SDK supports blockchain technology development, multi-currency payment, asset account model and user fission, etc. and provides a platform for projects, wherein the DREP Token will be consumed.

The above products can help to reduce data fragmentation and lower the entrance barrier in blockchain industry, which will be an indispensable part of blockchain industry in the future. DREP will continue to optimize the underlying technology architecture in the future, improve product performance and experience, and promote its continuous operation and development.

BTW, more details about our next exchanges will be disclosed in the run up to our mainnet launch, trust me, you will be excited by it. :)

Q8: Can you tell us about the consensus that your network called DBFT has?

The proprietary DREP Chain is developed by the DREP team using the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerant (DBFT) algorithm. It is compatible with smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly (WASM) formats with a dual-layer structure comprising of a stable root chain and customizable sub-chains.

Why DBFT is superior to other consensus mechanisms?

(1) Proof of Work (PoW) is a waste of energy resources and is not environmentally friendly. Furthermore, the computing power used to drive its consensus mechanism could be easily concentrated whereas DBFT does not require the use of computing power to obtain block permissions.

(2) PoW requires 6 blocks to validate the transaction, however, DBFT can immediately provide confirmation of the transaction through the candidate mechanism.

(3) PoS has vulnerabilities that are non-existent in DBFT:

a. Failure to check any coinstake transaction at all before committing a block to RAM or disk.

b. Spent Stake Attack.

Q9: Can you introduce the milestones DREP achieved so far?

DREP development progress is comprised of:

DREP Chain Pre-Mainnet: https://github.com/drep-project

DREP Mobile Client: https://drep.org/wallet

DREP Web Client: https://github.com/drep-project/DREP_Wallet

DREP Browser: http://explorer.drep.org/

DREP SDK Application: https://drep.org/wallet

DREP milestones on the business development front:

(1) DREP Becomes the Founding Member of Sino-Singapore Innovation Alliance: https://link.medium.com/JGBPP7MSo0

(2) DREP Becomes the First Blockchain Apprentice Facility for Nanyang Technology Innovation Center: https://link.medium.com/pr91r8VQo0

(3) Ant Financial Australian Partner HarkHark Joins DREP Chain: https://link.medium.com/G7n6FfxRo0

(3) Riot China COO Joins DREP as Gaming Advisor: https://link.medium.com/gZaA7jBQo0

(4) DREP Joins the DIF along with Microsoft and IBM: https://link.medium.com/gYnTW4nQo0

(5) DREP Inked Partnership with the University of Sydney Blockchain Society: https://link.medium.com/SnE5rP5So0https

(6) DREP Inked Partnership with Gaming Unicorn Bijiaqi: https://link.medium.com/2BXq6X3Po0

(7) Chinese Top Gaming Incubator Tuoluo Partners with DREP: https://link.medium.com/LMjyPgIQo0

(8) Comebey to be First Commercial DR-App on DREP: https://link.medium.com/taW97WbRo0

(9) Australian Leading O2O Platform Yeeyi Joins DREP Chain: https://www.forbes.com/sites/shermanlee/2018/08/13/a-decentralized-reputation-system-how-blockchain-can-restore-trust-in-online-markets/#2eeeb079481a

Q10: What is DREP’s solution with Smart Contracts?

DREP puts forward the concept of Smart Pipeline technology, which greatly improves data processing ability. Compared to existing smart contracts, DREP Smart Pipeline would be able to handle more complex application scenarios while offering a more flexible and economical execution process with the consumption of zero gas.

The comparative advantages of Smart Pipeline versus traditional smart contracts:

(1) “Smarter”: After the Smart Pipeline is deployed on-chain, it can automatically trigger according to the conditions detailed. Compared with Smart Contracts, more conditions can be considered and the execution process can be made more difficult to interfere with; this is conducive to the execution of complex transactions.

(2) Zero gas consumption: When an application using Smart Pipelines executes a transaction, no gas is needed. Zero gas consumption does not mean zero responsibility, however, and all Smart Pipelines running code require open source supervision. Moreover, the computing resource body that the Smart Pipeline directs to is not only found on the corresponding sub-chain, but on the Smart Pipeline code. Thus, even if there is a loophole, it will not affect the performance of the corresponding sub-chain.

(3) No limitation in programming language: Smart Pipeline uses the WASM virtual machine to execute transactions. Users can write code in different programming languages and then convert to WASM. As WASM continues to improve, the types of languages supported will gradually increase, and the code efficiency will also be improved without affecting execution on the Blockchain.

Meets the needs of complex applications: Smart Pipeline applications are not limited by gas and can be supported on Blockchains to facilitate more complex logic. Blockchains with Smart Pipeline can interact with other applications or services to meet the needs of large, complex applications, hence allowing for the building of applications that are not supported by existing Blockchains.

Q11: There are already many Projects which works on scalability with Both Layer-1 and Layer-2 solution! So, why DREP would be Best choice?

The proprietary DREP Chain is developed by the DREP team using the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerant (DBFT) algorithm. It is compatible with smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly (WASM) formats with a dual-layer structure comprising of a stable root chain and customizable sub-chains.

We had launched 4 different phases of Testnet so far, the github links and medium articles are as follows:


DREP Testnet1.0 Darwin core performance summary:


DREP Testnet2.0 Riemann core performance summary:


DREP Testnet3.0 Euler core performance summary:


DREP Testnet4.0 Planck core performance summary:


To lower the entry barrier and the cost of adoption, DREP has developed API, Plug-ins and SDKs for several vertical markets. With these toolkits, DApp development teams can deploy on multiple public chains at the same time easily, with built-in wallets and asset trading platforms. With DREP ID, the developers can also acquire users from various public chain ecosystem, converting them into users and making Super DApps an achievable reality.

Q12: As a Connector and Toolkit on Blockchain, how will the adaptability of DREP be? If i want to use/deploy these Toolkit on another chain beside DREP chain, can it be available?

DREP is the first project who supports one-click DApps deployment on multiple public chains. With DREP’s SDK, super DApps supporting multi-chains can be created.

To provide an easy-to-use tool interface for 2B enterprises and provide an efficient and frictionless service portal for DREP Ecosystem users, DREP launched a comprehensive DREP Client integrating functions including asset management, identity management, application development, and traffic portal:

(1) DREP Client Beta:


(2) DREP Client V1.3.0 core performance summary:


(3) DREP Client V1.2.0 core performance summary:


(4) DREP Client V1.0.0 core performance summary:


Q13: What’s the DREP roadmap & when can we expect to launch?

Please find our roadmap 2020, aside from DREP Mainnet launch soon, we are gonna have more milestones as follows:

Q14: let me know pls who are DREP main competitors? and what advantages does DREP have to outperform them?

One of DREP’s closest competitors is Ontology, as both projects focus on Distributed Digital ID (DID) and Blockchain toolkits.

Nonetheless, our comparative advantages over Ontology are:

(1) DREP offers a highly flexible modularised solution, in which the underlying infrastructure, consensus algorithm, governance protocols, data privacy mechanisms etc are all customizable according to the different needs of enterprise clients.

(2) We have a better practical view upon Blockchain products development. DREP client products, games on DREP SDK, and the applications jointly developed with our partners, have all been built into toolkits, and open to developers / enterprises.

Q15: In 2019, DREP cooperated with Australian E-commerce platform HarkHark, an official partner of Ant Financial in Australia. How important is this to your project, and how will it benefit your users?

Harkhark is an official partner of Ant Financial in Australia. Similar to Meituan-Dianping, Harkhark provides takeaway, travel, new media promotion and discount information in Australia. According to the platform’s official information, the Harkhark mobile APP has more than 40,000 active users per day. The Harkhark platform signed a cooperation agreement in June 2018, and the technical docking began in November of the same year.

The cooperation between Harkhark and DREP includes:

1. Harkhark platform docks with DREP O2O vertical SDK with a focus on points and bidding systems by calling the DREP API interface, to improve the user conversion rate and payment rate.

2. Optimize platform account mechanism based on DREP ID system, cultivating users’ awareness of asset management, enhancing users’ loyalty, and providing data protection;

3. Currently, Hark Token still deploys centralized points system. In the near future, Harkhark will issue stable assets via mortgaging DREP and other digital assets. Hark Token will be used as a settlement means, used in all Australia “ Last kilometer” online network.

In this Binance community coin vote, DREP’s success is inseparable from your support. After listing in Binance, we will continue to reward our community as much as we can!

About DREP Foundation

DREP is committed to building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that combine ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Based on DREP Chain, DREP ID and DREP SDK, DApp R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click.

Reach us on social channels

Website — www.drep.org

Telegram — https://t.me/drep_foundation

Twitter — https://twitter.com/FoundationDrep

Reddit — www.reddit.com/user/DREP-FOUNDATION/

Medium — medium.com/@DREP_Foundation

Linkedln — www.linkedin.com/company/drep-foundation/



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.