IRISnet Monthly Update

2021.03 — Community & Technical Recap

IRISnet Blog
12 min readApr 13, 2021


🌈 IRISgardians,

March was really a blast!
Being able to personally experience what it’s like to make an
IBC Transfer to/from the IRIS Hub still seems pure magic to me.
And while most crypto communities still haven’t realized the potential of IRIS Hub, the team just keeps achieving one thing after another, deploying new features, organizing events, establishing partnerships — seriously, IRISnet Core team never stops.

But now what you all have been waiting for: Coinswap.
The very first Cosmos Network Interchain & permissionless dEx will arrive in a few days and will allow everyone to experience first-hand what it really means to be part of the Internet of Blockchains.

Community, brace yourselves: our interchain journey has begun and April will definitely be a jump into the hyperspace!

⭐ Technical Updates ⭐


1. Released irishub v1.1.0
• Upgraded to Cosmos-SDK v0.42.3
• Upgraded to Tendermint v0.34.8
• Upgraded to irismod v1.4.0
• Added data migration processing to upgrade v1.0 to v1.1
2. Released irismod v1.4.0
• [htlc] Upgraded HTLC to support HTLT
• [htlc] Optimized the parameter check of the module
• [service] Fixed an issue that service binding cannot update when inputting the wrong pricing
• [coinswap] Optimized the return information when querying the non-existing reserve pool
• [coinswap] Checked up the minimum when adding the liquidity for the first time


Developed v_0.3, including:
• Provide Coinswap dApp on IRISnet mainnet
• Supported Rainbow Wallet Connect
• Home page: Display personal assets and TVL
• Coinswap page: Provide Coinswap feature (Support IRIS, BNB, BUSD)
• Pool page: Provide Add/Remove Liquidity features
• Farms page: Provide Stake/Harvest/UnStake features
• Provide the access to User Guide, official Website and Github
• Provide the access to the community


1. Fixed the stylistic issue of
2. Developed single-chain explorer v0.4, including:
• Optimized the unity of displayed units in the list
• Optimized the table style
• Standardized the data display accuracy
• Fixed the page turner bug
• Optimized the display data and content

Rainbow Wallet

Released 2 new versions: v3.2, v3.3:
• Added RainbowID that regular users can upgrade their single-chain wallet to RainbowID and new users can create
• Supported users to create multiple HD wallets based on RainbowID
• Provided the function that users can withdraw multiple delegation rewards of IRIS or ATOM through one on-chain transaction
• Supported Binance Chain and provided the multi-assets management of BNB, BUSD and IRIS-D88
• Added the gateway cross-chain support to IRIS-D88 to provide a better user experience between IRIS Hub and Binance Chain

⭐ Ecosystem Updates ⭐

IBC Transfers: Unlocked!

⚛️ The on-chain governance proposal about enabling IBC transfers on IRIS Hub was submitted on March 27. The result led to the unlock of IBC transactions from IRIS Hub to all the other hubs connected via IBC.

Welcome to the Interchain Era!
🥇 First IBC transaction IRIS Hub <> Cosmos Hub
Try the IBC Magic!

IRIS Hub Upgrade to v 1.1

🚀 IRISnet has successfully upgraded to mainnet 1.1 on March 31st in less than 40 minutes!

Let’s have a look at the enhanced features:

  • Upgrade Hash Lock Feature
    This upgrade improved the original HTLC module to optimize the interchain Hash Lock transfer feature, supporting the asset cross-chain transfer between IRIS Hub and other Hubs as for example Binance.
    In fact, IRIS Hub 1.1 now supports multiple interchain transfer methods including IBC, Hash Lock, Gateway, and more, which will give even better support to an essential application as Coinswap.
  • Cosmos-SDK Security Vulnerability Fixed
    Bianjie, IRISnet Core Dev team, found, reported, and provided a solution to an underlying security vulnerability of the Cosmos-SDK. The IRISnet upgrade included the changes too.

Want to know more about IRISnet? Check the amazing website!

Read more in the official Announcement!

Coinswap is Coming!

💎 As a result of all the recent improvements enchanted via the IRIS Hub Upgrade, Coinswap will be released in his first phase around half April.

This first phase will include:

  • Token Swap,
  • Add/Remove liquidity
  • Liquidity farming,
  • Data statistics

…and more!

Coinswap application will connect cross-chain wallet via WalletConnect protocol.

Through the upcoming updates, Coinswap will support more cross-chain protocols, token types, trading pairs, third-party wallets, and liquidity collaborations.

Read the full Announcement

Uptick App is Live on IRIS Hub!

💰 On March 12th, the Uptick Network Team (formerly known as StarryMedia Dev team) launched their new dApp, Uptick!
Uptick is built on IRIS Hub and is the 1st NFT App in the Cosmos & IRISnet ecosystems.

Uptick covers:

  • Digital collectible cards
  • Event e-tickets

…and more to come!

What can I do with Uptick?

  • Sign-up for a free account
  • Mint NFT cards & e-tickets
  • Purchase, Transfer, Resell the NFT
  • Follow your favorite NFT artists
  • Tip or Leave a ❤️

Why Uptick is a game-changer?

  • Creator’s copyrights are protected on-chain and on-app
  • The creator of the NFT asset, every time the asset is sold in the market, will get a percentage
  • No middleman
  • Transaction records are transparent & verifiable

📥 Download Uptick Now 📥

📝 Release Note

Start your NFT journey now!

Rainbow Wallet adds new incredible functionalities!

📲 Rainbow Wallet released v3.2.0, improving/adding new functions including:

  • RainbowID: Multi-Chain wallets management
  • Mnemonic functionalities more flexible
  • Binance Chain support
  • Multi-assets management

📑 New Tutorials Available:

📥 Download Rainbow Wallet 📥

BSN: How to use IRITA Interchain Hub

🎞 Watch a demonstration of BSN Interchain services made available thanks to IRITA!


  • BSN Overall Structure
  • IRITA Hub Components
  • Interoperability to Connect new Value Island

…and more!


Article recap:

Bianjie Partners with Westwell

🤝 Bianjie, IRISnet Core Team, has established a strategic partnership with Westwell, a leading AI solution provider.
Both teams will make efforts to combine IoT, AI, privacy computing with advanced blockchain technology to build the digital service ecosystem.

Official Announcement

Bianjie appointed as one of the 4 Standing Members of the Blockchain Committee in China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises

🎖 Because of its commitment towards innovation and business inclusivity, Bianjie was appointed as one of 4 Standing Members of Blockchain Committee in China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, a national wide and cross-industry association sponsored by the National Development & Reform Commission and approved by the State Council.

In addition to this, Miss Harriet Cao was selected to be the chairperson of the Blockchain Committee Standing Council.
During the same conference, she gave a keynote to illustrate the support “IRITA OPB WenChang Chain” can give to small & medium enterprises for developing their innovative dApps.

IRISnet, Co-Organizer of the world’s 1st cross-chain Riddlethon

💡 Riddlethon(riddle+hackathon), the fun and easy crypto-treasure hunt made for tech-minded blockchain newbies.
This event, organized in collaboration with Confio, Secret Network, Regen Network & Terra Teams, saw Mr. Jeffry Hu as Mentor & Speaker.

Read more about the event here.
Chinese introduction by the IRISnet team here.

Updates about the Winners soon!

Research Director Jeffrey Hu Judge at HackATOM Ru

🦄 IRISnet partnered with other Cosmos Core Team to bring up another successful online HackATOM!
IRISnet Director of Research, Mr. Zhiwei Hu, took part in the competition as Judge & IRISnet offered a reward in $IRIS to hackers who distinguished themselves in specific IRISnet-related tasks.

Soon the Winners will be revealed!

IRIS Hub now Natively Supported on Keplr Wallet!

🌈 Chainapsis’s Team announced the integration of $IRIS to Keplr, Cosmos’s Metamask-like Interchain Wallet.
Stake, Link your Ledger, Manage your funds and cast your vote via Keplr Chrome Extension!

📥 Download the Extension 📥

👩🏻‍🏫 Geting started with IRIS IBC Transfers — Tutorial

Official Announcement

⭐ Community Updates ⭐

Governance Proposal #3 is live!

[Increase the Maximum Number of Validators on IRIS Hub to 108]
Details of the proposal can be found on-chain or here.

Hot to vote with:
📱 Rainbow Wallet
📱 Cosmostation Wallet
💻 Keplr Wallet

❌ End Voting Period: 04/13/2021

Your Opinion Matters!

Official Announcement

IRIS Foundation Ambassador Program

At IRISnet, the community is a valuable treasure and an irreplaceable part of IRISnet’s growth, and this is why IRISnet aims to integrate more and more initiatives from its precious community members.
For this very reason, IRIS Foundation is launching an Ambassador Program to look for passionate IRISnet community members to become Ambassador of IRISnet: IRISgardians.

In particular, the Foundation is looking for the following figures:
🎖Regional Community Managers
🎖Technical Writers
🎖Visual Creators

Find more in the Official Announcement!

Rainbow Validator Rewards Program

To thank its Rainbow Validators for the support shown to the project, IRISnet has planned to selects up to 3 Validators monthly, rewarding them with 10k $IRIS!

🎖Meet the Rainbow Validator: Tavis Digital & Tomshi!

Validators, you are still in time to participate!
Follow these steps and join the competition:
• Become an IRISnet validator
• Actively engage our community
Fill out the application form!
*Validators who were not selected for the award are welcomed to re-apply, but please Re-fill the form and display your contributions for the past month.

Delegators Double Rewards & Token Burn Plan

🔥Token Burn Plan
On March 30, 2021, the Foundation burned 1,712,820 $IRIS.

💰Delegators Double Rewards
The IRISnet Foundation released the double rewards as planned in the Community-centric delegation program!
To be precise, in January were distributed 362,883.5108 $IRIS: congratulations delegators!

Please note:
this is the last time that the Foundation distributed the double delegation rewards & Operate the Token Burn.

The IRIS Foundation will instead take a different approach to support the Community:

  • The delegation rewards of the Eco-Development Fund will not be burned, and part of the delegation will be unbonded. These tokens will be transferred into the Community Tax Pool where the community can decide the token usage by on-chain governance proposals.
  • The IRIS Foundation’s reserved tokens will be used to increase the delegation, and these delegation rewards will be used to give support to DeFi applications such as Coinswap, accelerating the evolution of the IRISnet interchain and DeFi ecosystem.
Official Announcement


  • At the beginning of March, Miss Evie Xu, IRISnet Community, and Communication Manager participated in a pre-recorded talk in which Mr. Bill, BSN Technical Support Specialist at BSN International, titled [Demonstration of BSN Interchain Services Supported by IRITA].
  • On March 8th, Mrs. Harriet Cao participated as a panelist at the inspiring [Global Women in Blockchain] event hosted by BSN, Oasis Protocol, and Forcast News. Particularly relevant are Mrs. Cao’s consideration about man’s domination in the blockchain industry: “Is caused mainly by stereotypes” “With perseverance and dedication and professionalism, we can win respect. We have to fight those stereotypes.”
  • On March 8th, Mrs. Harriet Cao participated at [Extraordinary Women in Blockchain] Chinese event hosted by Jinse, discussed in the panel about innovations and trends from the technical perspective.
  • On March 24th, Mr Jeffrey Hu attended a Clubhouse panel hosted by BSN, [BSN and the Internet of Blockchains]
  • On March 29th, Mr. Jeffrey Hu joined the [IBC Gang] online panel, part of the [COSMOS IBC Launch Party], together with a well-known exponent from the Cosmos ecosystem.
🐾Follow IRISnet Nyan Cat on Twitter for CATomic insights from IRISnet Events & more!

$IRIS is Coin of the Day

On March 9th $IRIS, native staking token of the IRIS Hub was elected by LunarCRUSH token of the day!
Congratulations IRISGardians!

Official Announcement

Persistence One StakeDrop Campaign x $IRIS

StakeDrop is a token distribution mechanism that allows $IRIS holders to receive an allocation of $XPRT (Persistence tokens) simply by staking!
Soon will be unrevealed the period in which $IRIS will be on the hotspot:
While waiting, learn more about this initiative and how to participate in Persistence’s Social Channels.

Draft of the Governance Proposal ASGARD is waiting for your review in the IRISnet Forum!

This proposal, drafted and submitted in the forum by ZodiacWizard, comes as a community-driven initiative.
The aim is to achieve more awareness about the IRISnet project through undertaking a marketing campaign.
Many validators have expressed their opinions (here you can find Ken | Cypher Core ones), and thanks to this the draft is becoming more refined day after day,
Read more about this initiative and don’t forget to leave your comment!

Do you have any proposals to improve the project?
Do you want to contribute with your ideas to the growth of the community?
IRISnet forum welcomes you!

We look forward to building our future together!

Contents from the IRISnet community


Dear Community,

Just as IRIS Hub Mainnet completes its second year, we are about to see this ecosystem flourish with facts and goals brilliantly achieved.
And that’s not all: some of the biggest blockchain and economic players in Asia and beyond are only looking for collaborations and rewarding the IRISnet core team.

Now IRISgardians it’s our turn: let’s join forces and make sure IRISnet gets the attention it deserves!

⭐ IRISnet Glossary ⭐


IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is designed to be the foundation for next-generation distributed applications.
Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, while providing a variety of modules to support DeFi applications.


Inter-Realm Industry Trust Alliance (IRITA) is the 1st enterprise-level permissioned blockchain product in the Cosmos ecosystem Powered by Tendermint and IRIS SDK.
It has 6 core technical advantages such as privacy-protecting data sharing with authorization, highly efficient consensus protocol, cutting-edge cross-chain technology, highly practical on/off-chain inter-operation capabilities, flexible digital asset modeling and exchange, and business analytics powered by big data.
Thus IRITA can be widely used in various industries, such as the financial industry, providing value-based on blockchain trust machines.


Coinswap Web Application is a decentralized exchange function based on the AMM module of the IRISnet mainnet. It provides activities such as liquidity farming and will support cross-chain protocols, token types, trading pairs, third-party wallets, and liquidity collaborations.
The Coinswap application connects the Rainbow cross-chain wallet through the WalletConnect protocol.

Rainbow Wallet

Rainbow Wallet supports IRIS Hub, Cosmos Hub, and Binance Chain.

Rainbow Wallet is positioned to support the IBC transfer and iService that IRISnet and Cosmos will realize in the future. It is a light mobile client that combines the advantages of centralization and decentralization.

Download Rainbow Wallet & Follow the tutorial to get started


The 1st Interchain Explorer which supports IBC assets and transactions:
Catch a glimpse of the Cosmos!


Blockchain explorer for IRIS Hub, which includes explorer-backend and explorer-frontend.

💌 Community Channels

English Telegram
Chinese Telegram
Korean Telegram
Korean KakaoTalk
Philippines Telegram
Italian Telegram
French Telegram
Hispanic Telegram
Arabic Telegram
•WeChat subscription: irisnetwork

