Why Microservices are not silver bullet? 10 Reasons for NOT using Microservices

Don’t blindly use Microservices for every single application you build



Database per Microservice pattern

Hello folks, the tile may sound like what?? everyone is saying use Microservice and you are saying others? why? Well, its not just me, many people think like that and there are solid reasons for it, which you will see in this article.

This was also one of the question which was asked to me last week for a big, reputable bank interviews, so knowing when not to use Microservice architecture is as important as knowing when to break your monolith into Microservices.

By the way, if you are preparing for Java developer interviews, then I have shared many resources earlier, which you can also check it out to prepare better.

For example In the past, I have shared several resources for Java interviews like 21 Software Design Pattern questions, 10 Microservice Scenario based questions, 20 SQL queries from Interviews, 50 Microservices questions, 60 Tree Data Structure Questions, 15 System Design Questions, and 35 Core Java Questions and 21 Lambda and Stream questions , if you haven’t checked them yet, I suggest you to look at the them before your interview.




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