God is Gracious

Gospel in Nature. Part 4

Femi Senjobi
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by Anna Atkins on Unsplash

Matthew 5:45

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Psalm 145:15

You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

Rain is one of the witnesses in nature that tells us about how God gives and how much He gives. It talks about God’s generosity and extravagance. It tells us about God’s impartial approach to ensuring all living things are furnished with everything they require. In practical terms, there are other types of precipitation than rain, each one painting a different facet of God’s grace. Snow represents God’s word to us that will be useful for us at a later time when our heart warm up to it or the environment becomes favourable. Dew represents the invisible but persistent daily supply from God. We can go on and on. God is gracious and nature is a witness to this truth.

God is gracious and He gives to everyone all they would ever need to live a full life. If we are missing anything, we can be sure that God hasn’t withheld it, it is we who haven’t found it. He gives to all and He gives generously. He cares for all of His creation. He feeds the beast and clothes the lilies, how much more the crown of His creation? This is an unmistakable message in nature, that God is gracious. He causes the rain and the sun to fall on the both the good and the evil; the just and the unjust. This means God does not withhold grace because of what we have done. As a matter of fact, the more grace you need, the more grace there is.

The faithfulness and the graciousness of God are integral to His nature and are an important background for us to understand His justice and mercy. God will not demand from us what He has not made a provision for. It is not in His character to do that. He gives grace and demands righteousness. According to scriptures, the purpose of precipitation is to provide moisture for seeds to grow. There is an innate nature and message God hides or plants in every living things. He releases rain to ensure that we live to the fullest capacity of that message. God demands that growth so that all creation, human and non human, will have manifold witnesses. But He doesn’t just stop there, He ensures we receive all that is necessary for that seed to blossom — Sun and rain.

More in the Series

  1. The Gospel in Nature (Part 1)
  2. A Reflection of God (Part 2)
  3. God is Faithful (Part 3)
  4. God is Gracious (Part 4) (You are here)
  5. The Nature of Sin (Part 5)
  6. The Greatest Witness (Part 6)
  7. The Gospel in Nature (Part 7)
  8. Like Stars (Part 8)
  9. The Prophecy (Part 9)
  10. So Will I (Part 10)

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Femi Senjobi
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