The Nature of Sin

The Gospel in Nature. Part 5

Femi Senjobi
3 min readMay 11, 2024


Photo by Sanni Sahil on Unsplash

Depending on the time of the month, we see different cycles of the moon. Sometimes, the entire surface we see is reflecting the light of the sun, other times it is only partial. These cycles are a witness to the different postures and positions that different people have before God. This is not a signal that life will be inconsistent — sometimes obedient to God, other times rebellious. Rather, it shows us all the options available and by the choices we make, we decide if we want to fully shine God’s light or fully block it out.

It is common knowledge that light represents righteousness and darkness represents evil. Light bears witness to the nature of God’s goodness. Darkness bears witness to the effects of godlessness and sin. When we demonstrate God’s nature, we shine as light. When we don’t, even the little light then others around us try to shine, we block and maintain a zone of darkness. Remember, all of nature is created as a witness to the glory of God. When we don’t do exactly that, we emit darkness and cannot even see what shape we are and what purpose we serve. But when we show how good God is, we are doing what we were made for and our light is visible to all.

Everyone can testify to it that at some point in their lives they’ve seen someone who made them lose total trust in humanity. Almost with the same intensity, we have certainly seen people who restore our trust in people and faith in God. While there are people who scream disappointment, there are also others who are close enough to all God wants us to know about Him here and now. Indeed these ones help us see that humanity is indeed the crown of God’s creation and are a beauty to behold. It is not God’s desire that we oscillate between these two inconsistent messages.

We were made in God’s image and likeness and in our perfect state, we fully demonstrate God to the world. Sin is what makes us unable to perfectly show God to the world. It corrupts God’s image and turns us into imperfect humans being unable to fully mirror the faithfulness and righteousness of God. Sin prevents us from receiving God’s light and reflecting God’s nature. It makes us assume an orientation turned away from the light of God so much that nothing in us is showing or passing a message of God’s grace and faithfulness. But we are not stuck with sin forever, God is compelled to redeem His image. The story of humanity is not complete if the very light we’re made to reflect has not been fully reflected. God will do anything and give everything to see that purpose is fulfilled.

More in the Series

  1. The Gospel in Nature (Part 1)
  2. A Reflection of God (Part 2)
  3. God is Faithful (Part 3)
  4. God is Gracious (Part 4)
  5. The Nature of Sin (Part 5)
  6. The Greatest Witness (Part 6)
  7. The Gospel in Nature (Part 7)
  8. Like Stars (Part 8)
  9. The Prophecy (Part 9)
  10. So Will I (Part 10)

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Femi Senjobi

Celebrate Justification | Participate in Sanctification | Anticipate Glorification