Step Into Your ‘New Earth’ Right Here, Right Now.

You don’t have to wait for New Earth to arrive to make a leap in consciousness. You can live in the consciousness of the fifth or sixth plane right now.

Purusha Radha
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readFeb 21, 2024


Image generated in Midjourney by the author

You can appear to be in this third dimensional world but actually live inside a sphere of fourth, fifth or higher plane frequency.

Many already live that way. And they help propel the more tangible New Earth that people wait for into existence.

Like attracts like. So those who live right now in a higher frequency are attracting more of it to 3D Earth. And you quicken others by your high vibratory frequency.

The New Earth is the “kingdom of God” Yeshua ben-Joseph (Jesus) so often spoke about.

New Earth, kingdom of God — both are a state of being. And the exterior world always bows to our state of being.

So why not intentionally draw the consciousness and frequency you enjoy thousands of years in the future to the here and now? Summon it to your life and your being.

I look 5,000 years into the future and bring that Light, knowledge, wisdom, consciousness and frequency to the here and now.

I hold that frequency in my sphere of Light and utilize it to instantly manifest all that I desire.

The more of us who live in a state of elevated consciousness, the more Earth is quickened to match with that predominant energy. It doesn’t even have to be everyone — just a critical mass number.

We are in this world but not of it.

We choose not to participate in the absurdities of 3D life. We have lifted ourselves up and out of it as observers.

It’s as if we hover a little above it all, watching. Or we observe in the space in-between. We quietly and without emotion accept what we observe. We do that because we know what we observe is part of 3D life. And it’s getting everyone to where we need to be.

It doesn’t mean we don’t care and our hearts don’t hurt sometimes. But somebody’s got to be the stable force here — the constant of patience and Love.

That’s what we’re here for — to be calm and confident midwives as Earth and her human beings birth themselves into a higher consciousness.

Wear this world as a loose garment. Be the calm and steady observer.

In the Gospel of Thomas, Saying 42, Jesus says:

Be passersby.

The journey we’re on is made of many stops and 3D Earth is really just one fleeting moment in all of time. We really are just passing by. We see this life here as the “be all end all” of existence, but it isn’t. There’s so much more to experience and we’re on our way to all of it.

To achieve this ‘New Earth state of being’ is the true meaning of being ‘born again.’

Jesus said:

My kingdom is not of the material. It is spiritual.

… man of his own free will shall leave the man-made kingdom and evolve to the God Kingdom. The son of man is to realize his divinity, reveal this divinity in his body and affairs, and become the Christ of God in the Kingdom of God. ‘Know ye not that ye are Gods?’¹

To be born again means that we realize and reveal ourselves as Gods. And in that New Earth consciousness and the tangible living being that New Earth will be, we shall have every abundance of every kind we desire.

Our bodies will be restored. We won’t worry whether we can survive or not. And we’ll experience only Freedom, Love and Peace. Now we see the Truth that was always there but we obscured from sight.

Our bodies were always perfect. There was never any question as to whether we’d survive or not in a treacherous competitive world. We were never imprisoned in any way. And Love was what was driving us all along.

When will the New Earth appear?

The answer always is:

When the without is as the within.

The within and the without constantly reflect each other.

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…²

In the Gospel of Thomas, Saying 113, Yeshua’s disciples ask on what day the kingdom will come.

I know very many of us ask the same question. In our humanness we want to know the exact timing. What day is the appointed day for New Earth, the Grand Shift, the moment of the mass ascension?

To the disciples’ prodding, Yeshua answered:

It will not come while people watch for it. They will not say: Look, here it is, or Look, there it is… The kingdom of God is spread out over the earth, and men do not see it.

So it’s best not to dwell on when the New Earth will definitively appear. The thing to dwell on is our own consciousness and spiritual integrity which are indeed spread out over the Earth. That way, we’re in a good place no matter what happens when.

In my article, Earth’s In Flux and Shifting, I urged:

Live as if everything’s going to happen and nothing’s going to happen — at the same time.

I say this because I’ve watched people put their lives on hold or throw out dreams altogether based on a prophecy. The time comes and goes and they’re left standing empty handed.

You can wait on a prophecy but you may be disappointed. You will have disappointed yourself because you didn’t fully live right up until the quintessential moment.

The moment Now is the important moment, the only creative moment.

Some who’ve known we’ve been hurtling toward the end times of the Precession of the Equinoxes,³ wait anxiously.

For us, time seems to drag on laboriously. For those in the higher realms and future worlds, all these 26,000 years is a mere blink of an eye. In fact, all the Precessions before this one add up to pretty close to no time in the higher worlds where there really is no time.

And what we hope for and look forward to is an inevitability:

God is holding the ideal perfect world in mind in every detail and it is bound to come forth as a heaven or perfect home where all His children, all His creatures, and all His creations may dwell in peace and harmony. This is the perfect world that God saw in the beginning and the one He is thinking into existence right now, and the time of its manifestation lies in our acceptance of it.¹

I’ll repeat:

“The time of its manifestation lies in our acceptance of it.”

And to accept it means we accept this greater more expanded consciousness within ourselves first.

It won’t just be handed to us. We must earn it.

We don’t have to be perfect. We can actually come close and the Higher Evolution will help us the rest of the way. If we can demonstrate our desire by living it in our own lives first to the very best of our ability, the kingdom of heaven and the New Earth will be opened to us.

And it won’t even matter to us when it happens because we’ll be Masters walking the Earth. The spheres of Light we exist in will be our heaven on Earth no matter what is going on around us.

¹ Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

² Attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (from the Greek, Hermes the Thrice Greatest) syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth (pronounced Tay-hoh-tet). He is the purported author of the Hermetica or Hermetic writings on subjects of astrology, magic and alchemy.

³ From my article, This Is the Equinox Lifetime for the Starseed:

The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 26,000 year great cycle of time on Earth.

It’s marked by the way we see zodiacal constellations in the sky over a 26,000 year period. Their positions seem to gradually change as the constellations appear to move across the heavens. Earth is wobbling on its axis which causes the change in positions we see.

There have been many Precessions before, but this one is paramount. It’s called the Great Year because we’ll soon open the door to a completely new Alpha. Earth will be called New Earth — Earth ascended into fifth dimensional Gaia.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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