Cøsmos Network: Starport v0.0.10 introduced, HackAtom V is coming, NFT & Metadata Technical Working Group announced, ‘Cosmos Unchained: Bitcoin Peggy Showdown’, The latest funding updates, IRISnet’s Bifrost testnet has launched Phase-0, and more!

Published in
24 min readSep 9, 2020

Biweekly update on Cosmos ecosystem vol. 30🎉, 26th August — 9th September

Greetings to all Space Cowboys and Astronaut Girls! Another two weeks are in the books, and it’s time for our 30th biweekly summary of all things from the Cosmos ecosystem!

A month ago, the team launched Starport, the open-source rapid prototyping tool that lets developers quickly build blockchain apps in two commands. Since then, they have been busy making sure you can configure your blockchain application as easily as possible, added a starport serve option for verbose output, highlighted common build errors and improved overall stability. Last week, Starport v0.0.10 was introduced. With the new version of Starport, the team has announced a YAML configuration file that makes it easier to define new tokens, assign tokens to accounts, and modify the genesis file. Other impressive features to expect from this new Starport v0.0.10 release: improved verbose output, better error handling, and vastly improved stability.

Good news is, applications are now open for HackAtom V, the most exciting event of this fall! The team has $50k in ATOMs to give away! They want to see creativity and innovation when expanding the Cosmos Universe. Don’t miss your chance to participate! Check out rules & guidelines below.

Furthermore, Chjango Unchained (Tendermint), Matt Luongo (Keep Network), Matt Bell (Nomic), and James Pestwich (Summa and recently joined Celo) discussed Bitcoin pegs — what is currently available and the future of Bitcoin pegging at ‘Cosmos Unchained: Bitcoin Peggy Showdown’ virtual event. ‘Cosmos Code With Us — Front end name service application’ with Billy Rennekamp, Grants Manager at Interchain Foundation, took place. Peng Zhong, CEO of Tendermint featured at ‘The Erica Show’.

What’s more, the ICF announced the formation of a new technical working group with a mission to develop Interchain Standards for Non-Fungible Tokens and Metadata. You are invited to join the series of six NFT+Metadata working group calls, which will take place every two weeks. Find the link to sign up in our report. Also, after two weeks since ICF’s update about the Q2 funding recipients, they began a new biweekly update series where they highlight some of the more exciting activities that took place at the Interchain Foundation. Check it out! It is worth mentioning that as part of the recently announced Q2–2020 cycle, the Interchain Foundation has funded cdot’s proposal to develop an IBC Substrate pallet. This work represents a significant step in bridging Polkadot and Kusama with Cosmos chains, enabling secure exchange of assets and data between ecosystems.

As for the Cosmos ecosystem projects’ updates, there was a ton of big stuff over the past two weeks! Firstly, the team announced the Cosmos Community Contributor Grants Recipients of Q2, and the program that will allow all new and existing Cosmonauts to apply for, submit contributions, and get microgrants in any one of the multiple categories listed in our report below. Forby, the Chainapsis team has announced that Keplr Wallet, the MetaMask-like Interchain wallet for Cosmos Network dApps and blockchains, now supports signing with Ledger hardware wallets. Bifrost, the DeFi and interchain testnet of IRISnet, launched on September 2nd, initiating Phase-0. IOV Name Service is now live on Cosmos SDK. Loopring selects Band Protocol to secure zkRollup exchange and payment protocol on Ethereum. Data from Chainlink will now fuel the growth of privacy-enabled DeFi applications on the Oasis Network. Cosmos partners with Persistence to launch ‘HackAtom India: Build the Cosmos’. Akash Q4 2020 roadmap update was published, including launch dates for our Mainnet 1 and Phase 3 of The Akashian Challenge testnet. Check out Bluzelle’s ‘March To Mainnet Progress Update’ about where they are now with mainnet and staking. It’s been a highly productive Kava development cycle: Binance direct integration with Kava offering the highest yields to 100,000+ users, they aunched Kava-4 “Gateway” testnet, and more. August 2020 has been a great season of growth for Terra and its community, the team has counted down the days until they reached 2 million accounts on the Terra network. They also outlines their Terra Core release schedule, roadmap, related tooling and projects, and initiatives for the remainder of 2020 up until the launch of the fifth mainnet update, Columbus-5. Our Citadel.one team is ready to complete Cosmos integration. Cyber’s community call is scheduled for Friday 11th. Watch the recording of the development standup call for the Peggy project, the Cosmos — Ethereum bridge, lead by the Althea Peggy dev team. And more!

That’s a wrap! Paradigm will come back in two weeks with more exciting Cosmos updates. Stay tuned!


Github metrics:


Starport v0.0.10 is here! Simple genesis config, improved verbose output, better error handling, and a note about Stargate:

A month ago the team launched Starport, the open-source rapid prototyping tool that lets developers quickly build blockchain apps in two commands. They also created this short three-minute Starport tutorial that walks you through the simple process of building your first Cosmos SDK blockchain app.

Since then, the team has been busy making sure you can configure your blockchain application as easily as possible, added a starport serve option for verbose output, highlighted common build errors and improved overall stability.

Here is what to expect from this new Starport v0.0.10 release:

Much easier genesis configuration

With the new version of Starport, they’ve introduced a YAML configuration file that makes it easier to define new tokens, assign tokens to accounts, and modify the genesis file.

Configuration file

The “accounts” property contains a list of user accounts that are generated for your application and added to genesis. The “genesis” property contains an object that maps directly to your application’s genesis.json file. Overwriting a parameter for an existing module or creating a new param for your custom module is as easy as adding a new line to this genesis object. Modifying this file also triggers a reinitialization of the app, so your blockchain’s genesis file is always up-to-date with your configuration file.

For example, you can now change the denomination of the token used for staking, add new tokens to existing users, add new users, and select one of them to be the validator.

Improved verbose output

Running the starport servecommand with the — verbose flag now outputs prefixed color-coded log messages to make sure that you get all of the details about the running processes — with highlighted output!

Verbose output of the serve command

Better error handling

If Starport encounters an error when building an application, it will now stop the build process, print out the error, and wait for file changes before retrying the build. For each build, the application state gets cleared and reinitialized using your config.yml file to ensure that your code and the application state is always in sync.

Error handling

Vastly improved stability

The team has added logic to check if you have already imported modules (like CosmWasm) to prevent accidentally importing them twice. Starport now initializes a Git repository by default when scaffolding a new blockchain application, making it easier to track changes. Starport now also checks if Go is installed correctly, and it will print out a notice if $GOPATH isn’t configured.

Coming soon: Stargate & IBC support

The next point release of Starport, v0.11.0, enables first-class support for Stargate. Stargate is the next major release of the Cosmos SDK (v0.40.0), that will enable IBC, otherwise known as the inter-blockchain communication protocol. The team will be preparing clear and simple migration guides for those of you who have started building blockchain applications with Starport v0.0.9/v0.0.10. They’re extremely excited to help you connect your blockchain app to every other blockchain app in the Cosmos.

Get started with Starport v0.0.10: Denis Fadeev, Head of Developer Experience at Tendermint, introduces you to the latest features of Starport v0.0.10.

To try out Starport, go to https://github.com/tendermint/starport and start building your first blockchain. Starport is the developer-friendly interface to the Cosmos SDK, the world’s most widely used blockchain application framework.

Also, check out https://tutorials.cosmos.network and browse through the tutorials the team has prepared for you to understand how Starport works and what you can build with it. Check out #Starport discord channel.

Tendermint 2020 Roadmap:

The Tendermint Core team has decided to share their goals and roadmap for 2020. What follows is a list of their objectives for the year, organized around four high-level goals, which are themselves ordered by approximate priority. However, the team plans to tackle pieces of each of these goals concurrently.

This list is ambitious: It is possible, even likely, that there’s more outlined here than they can achieve in a year. If you are interested in helping the team reach these goals, they’ll be opening up a few new positions soon.

Goal 1: Increase the number of people who can make substantive contributions to Tendermint Core

Goal 2: Ship features and fixes which help Tendermint Core retain its market-leading position

Goal 3: Improve the developer- and user-experience for projects that use Tendermint Core

Goal 4: Expand and curate the number of technologies that can be integrated with Tendermint Core

If you have questions, ideas, or would like to contribute, please open an issue or join Tendermint developer forum.

Awareness and social encounters

The Erica Show EP1 — Part 1 : Peng Zhong, CEO of Tendermint:

Cosmos Unchained: Bitcoin Peggy Showdown:

Chjango Unchained (Tendermint), Matt Luongo (Keep Network), Matt Bell (Nomic), and James Pestwich (Summa and recently joined Celo) discussed Bitcoin pegs — what is currently available and the future of Bitcoin pegging.

  • Keep Network is building tBTC. tBTC lets Bitcoin holders deposit and redeem BTC in DeFi without centralized intermediaries. Check out tbtc.network for more info.
  • Nomic is a new blockchain which runs in parallel to the Bitcoin blockchain, allowing decentralized financial primitives which use BTC as their native asset. Learn more: nomic.io
  • Summa created cross-chain architecture that drives tBTC and improves blockchain interoperability. Summa recently joined Celo to further diversify and decentralize the Celo Reserve in a fully-permissionless way and improving both the security and user experience of the Celo Platform. Check out https://celo.org to learn more.

Code with us:

The team is launching “Code with us,” a live, interactive workshop program designed to educate and provide real-time practice to developers in the community. The Cosmos ‘Code with Us’ program brings workshops from the home offices to yours. There couldn’t be a better time to invest in online learning, especially with so many people working from home.

This program aims to provide everyone with access to the information and resources they need to become familiar with the Cosmos stack. These seminars are small workshops led by expert mentors from Tendermint Inc, Interchain GmbH, Agoric, Band Protocol and others that will use their expertise to guide the community of developers from deploying a simple “Hello World” blockchain, to getting familiar with the Cosmos SDK architecture, running an IBC relayer, and much more.

Sign up for the “Code with Us” workshop program. The team will send you a link to add the calendar, email reminders of the upcoming workshops and a list of documentation for each session.

Cosmos Code With Us — Front end name service application: Learn how to build front ends that interact with Cosmos SDK applications. This will take the Name Service application as the running backend and build a front end that will query and interact with the running blockchain. HOST: Billy Rennekamp — Grants Manager, Interchain Foundation

Upcoming events

September 11th: AMA with Huobi Africa

September 23rd: Cosmos Unchained: DEXs vs CEXs: Join Shaun Conway (ixo), Erik Voorhees (Shapeshift), and Chjango Unchained (Cosmos) to discuss decentralized exchanges and centralized exchanges on Sept 23, 3p PDT.


Cosmos HackAtom V has landed and the team has $50k in ATOMs to giveaway! They want to see creativity and innovation when expanding the Cosmos Universe.


  • Registration opened: Wednesday Sept 2nd, 8am PDT
  • HackAtom Begins: Friday Oct 16 @ 12p PDT
  • Submissions Due: Friday Oct 30th @ 12pm PDT
  • Voting for Community Choice Award: Nov 2nd — Nov 6th 12pm PDT
  • Winners Announced: Monday Nov 9th 12pm PDT

Rules & Guidelines

  • There are no limits on team size.
  • Look to the participants section in DevPost to find teammates and introduce yourself
  • No outside work or work that was started prior to the official start date of the hackathon is allowed. Cannot use work from someone outside of your team who is also competing. Judging is based only on the work done during the duration of the hackathon. Using work that was done before the hackathon is grounds for disqualification.
  • It is encouraged to to use pre-existing open source tools and libraries.
  • Asking for guidance or advice from someone not on your team is encouraged.

Submission Guidelines

  • All projects must be submitted at hackatomv.devpost.com by Friday Oct 30th @ 12:00 pm PT.
  • Can submit work in multiple prize categories. Be sure to submit to every prize category your team wants to compete in.
  • All submissions must be completed during the duration of the hackathon. Teams can form ideas before the hackathon, but the code, hacks, and prototypes must be built during the hackathon.
  • A presentation file must be included with your submission. The goal is to explain your project to the judges. A pdf, google slide, youtube video, or other medium will be accepted and judged.

View full rules


$50K USD valued in ATOMs. The spot price of ATOM will be taken on the last day of the hackathon, on Oct 30th, where the day’s ‘High’ value will be used.

There will be three (or more) winners in each category except for the Community Choice Award, where there will only be one winner (the team that gets the most votes).

Written Guides:

Apply at five.hackatom.org

Join HackAtom V Discord

HackAtom India: Build the Cosmos

Cosmos Network Partners with Persistence One to launch ‘HackAtom India: Build the Cosmos’, the first virtual Cosmos Hackathon to give developers in India a chance to begin their journeys into the Cosmos ecosystem.

HackAtom India calls for developers in India to build DeFi projects, interoperable applications, and Developer tools using Cosmos’ technology stack and modules such as Ethermint, CosmWasm, IBC protocol and many more.


  • HackAtom India began: 4th September 2020
  • Deadline for Submission: 4th October, 2020
  • HackAtom India Ends: 4th October, 2020


  • Billy Rennekamp — Grants manager, Interchain Foundation
  • Sahith Narahari — Software Engineer, Tendermint
  • Deepanshu Tripathi — CTO, Persistence One
  • Josh Lee — Developer Relations, Tendermint


  • Building Multi-chain Smart-contracts using Cosmwasm: Ethan Frey
  • Starport: The fastest way to launch a Cosmos blockchain: Denis Fadeev
  • Powering DeFi using Cosmos SDK: Deepanshu Tripathi
  • Learn how to set up an Ethermint development environment and use Ethereum tooling on Ethermint: Elizabeth Binks


Winners of HackAtom India will be rewarded from a pool of $10k USD in six different categories.

To register and learn more, please visit: https://www.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/hackatom-india/


Cosmos validators


Information from Mintscan.io:

Top 10 validators:

Cosmos Markets

Information from Coinmarketcap.com:

Information from Coinlib.io:

Ledger support for Keplr is now live:


Cosmos Hub Roadmap:

Governance Milestones The following milestones will require voting by on-chain governance.

Proposal: Atom Transfers

2019–04–10 An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses. Read more »

Proposal Passed: Atom Transfers

2019–04–17 Success! The proposal to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses passes.

Proposal: IBC future TBD

An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to add support for IBC, the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol. IBC will allow other Cosmos SDK-based blockchains to connect to the Hub. Read more »

Proposal Passed: IBC future TBD

Success! The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol is now supported by the Cosmos Hub. The IBC standard will allow blockchains that support it to connect.

Community Governance future TBD

At this point, the critical features of the Cosmos Hub has been activated by the community of Atom holders. Further governance of the network and upgrades to the software or blockchain state are left to the community. Read more »

IBC Implementation

Past due by 7 days 86% complete

IBC v1.0.0 issues left to be implemented.

Interchain Foundation

Interchain standards for Non-Fungible Tokens and Metadata:

The ICF announced the formation of a new technical working group with a mission to develop Interchain Standards for Non-Fungible Tokens and Metadata.

You are invited to join the series of 6 NFT+Metadata working group calls, which will take place every 2 weeks. Sign up here!

The team believes that Interchain Standards can build on established Internet standards, to gain broad adoption and promote interoperability between blockchains, as well as with legacy Internet protocols. These developments should be a great complement to the Inter-blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), enabling cross-network discovery, authentication, control and usage of NFTs and their Metadata resources.

This open collaboration was initiated by the Interchain Foundation and will be facilitated by ixo (The Internet of Impact) together with Persistence One (Protocol Powering Institutional DeFi).

Participation of the Cosmos community is encouraged in the “nft-and-metadata” channel in the Cosmos’ Discord. Work in progress and requests for comments (RFCs) will be posted in the Cosmos SDK Modules Github repo.

The first priorities for this group are to get collaborators onboard and to collect NFT and Metadata use-cases, against which the standards and reference implementations can be calibrated. Please spread the word to projects and people who are likely to be interested and have something to contribute.


ICF Update — Sept 7th:

After two weeks since ICF’s update about the Q2 funding recipients, they began a new bi-weekly update series where they highlight some of the more exciting activities that took place at the Interchain Foundation. This includes some check-in meetings that occurred with various recipients as well as general meetings and goings-on that members of the Interchain ecosystem might find interesting and informative. If any of the updates are especially relevant to what you are working on feel free to drop ICF a line at hello@interchain.io.

IBC on Substrate with cdot:

As part of the recently announced Q2–2020 cycle, the Interchain Foundation has funded cdot’s proposal to develop an IBC Substrate pallet. This work represents a significant step in bridging Polkadot and Kusama with Cosmos chains, enabling secure exchange of assets and data between ecosystems. The IBC Substrate pallet will also enable developers to create their own Substrate-based blockchains with IBC capabilities.

To support developers building with this technology, cdot has also committed to producing documentation and educational materials detailing use of IBC on Substrate, as well as a Chinese translation of the IBC specification.

A newly formed Substrate IBC Working Group aims to coordinate the efforts of cdot, Chorus One and Informal Systems, all of whom are working on components essential to Polkadot/Cosmos bridging efforts. Chorus One was recently awarded a grant from Web3 Foundation to implement Grandpa light client validation in the Cosmos SDK. Meanwhile, Informal Systems is developing modular IBC handlers and an IBC relayer in rust, while formally specifying the IBC protocol with TLA+.

To follow progress from the cdot, Chorus One and Informal teams, join the new #substrate-ibc channel in the Cosmos Community Discord.

Ecosystem updates

Announcing the Cosmos Community Contributor Grants Recipients of Q2:

Earlier this year, the team announced the recipients of a Cosmos Community Contributor Grant in Q1. For a bit of background behind this “grants program”, the idea came around late last year when Adriana Mihai came to me with an intriguing problem. The problem was this — they were missing good schemes that actively rewarded people for building up their parts of the Cosmos community. In an effort to gather their thoughts and identify those who had been doing some solid work in all areas pertaining to development, research, building in general, and running meetups — all without pay that whole time during year 1 of mainnet, mind you — the team put together a spreadsheet with names of Cosmos contributors and what they did. Then they passed that sheet over to Interchain Foundation in hopes of getting something to fund that list of names with.

After months of back and forth with the foundation lawyers, the ICF ended up deciding against sending direct contributions to recipients who were not part of their greater grants application process. It’s important for them to be conservative in the operation of the foundation where moving slow is a feature and not a bug. They did, however, allocate some funding for specific deliverables — Today in Cosmos translations — as well as budget for meetups. The need, however, to support more types of work beyond just translations and hosting meetups remained unsatisfactorily met.

Ultimately, they ended up breaking down what each organization was good for, what each organization was good at, and forming a program that balanced those considerations with the needs of the community.

The ICF is great at recognizing important research needs that cater to the longevity of Cosmos. They’re good as a source of funding for amounts that range from “under $10k to over $100k, depending on the scope of the project” according to the ICF. Their mission is to pursue the ends of an Internet of Blockchains — a very broad and sweeping one with a very long-term outlook. Read the Q2 funding recipients post here for a better sense of what types of projects ICF funds.

In contrast, Tendermint keeps a much shorter telescope that caters to the short to medium-term needs of the network — specifically, the needs of the Cosmos Hub and the ecosystem of ATOM holders. Tendermint is fantastic at recognizing important practical integrations that are needed today in order to bridge the gap between users and Cosmos. Tendermint is able to move fast while giving smaller grants to the tune of $50 to $5000 — microgrants, if you will.

The program will allow all new and existing Cosmonauts to apply for, submit contributions, and get microgrants for in any one of these categories:

This is meant to be a complementary measure until the Stargate upgrade is deployed on the Cosmos Hub. What’s lesser known about Stargate is that it includes a feature in Cosmos SDK that will allow anyone to send ATOM to the community tax pool and supplement the total funds such that governance will be able to review and fund future Cosmos community contributions with its bigger pool of funds. But before this feature is on the Hub, this program will act as the main pillar to fund community contributions and act as a framework to inform future contributions that will ultimately land on the Cosmos Governance table for the broader community to fund.

Q2 Community Contributors

Join the Space Program cosmos.network/contributors

See what else is happening in the cosmos.network/community

Projects’ updates

Akash Network:

Akash Q4 2020 Roadmap Update including launch dates for our Mainnet 1 and Phase 3 of The Akashian Challenge testnet!

Akash DeCloud for DeFi

Partner Profile: DACM — the team introduced DACM as a valued partner of Akash, helping them bring the vision of an open, decentralized, and Unstoppable Cloud to the world.


IRIS Network:

IRISnet Monthly Report: 2020.08 — Community & Technical Recap.

IRISnet Launched DeFi and Interchain Testnet Bifrost: Bifrost, the DeFi and interchain testnet of IRISnet, launched on September 2nd, initiating Phase-0.

The Fifth Implementation of the Community-centric Delegation Campaign & the Second One-year Token Burn Plan:

In April 2020, the IRIS Foundation Rolled Out a Community-Centric Delegation Campaign & the Second One-Year Token Burn Plan.

The results of the fifth implementation are as follow:

  • IRIS Foundation made a distribution to delegators with an amount equal to their delegation rewards in August, distributed 771,632.2181 IRIS in total.
  • According to the Token Burn Plan, IRIS Foundation burned delegation rewards of Eco-Development Fund on August 30, totally 2,119,610 IRIS.
  • The foundation set up the “Rainbow Validator” award, which will continually receive application forms. There are 3 validators who are selected as Rainbow Validators in August, including ATEAM, Coinstaking and kytzu.

Regen Network:

Regen Network Retrospective: After three years with the Regen Network team, co-founder Will Szal is stepping back from a day-to-day role in the company. He will continue to serve Regen Network’s mission as President of the Board of Regen Network Development, Inc., and President of the Board of Regen Foundation.

During this transition in roles, he has taken a moment to reflect on the road Regen Network has traveled thus far.

Cosmos Community SDK Development Call:


IOV Name Service is now live on Cosmos SDK.

IOV Name Service upgrade — Economic Review.

What do Polkadot, IOV, Kusama, Solana and Elastos have in common?

The Rise of the Starname. A story about the future of payments.

Unity in Diversity — Cosmostation raises ATOM, BNB, IRIS, KAVA and IOV to the Starname.

How to Stake your IOV Tokens and get Rewards.


Check out Bluzelle’s ‘March To Mainnet Progress Update’ about where they are now with mainnet & staking:

Desmos Network:

The Desmos August Update has been successful:


Kava Labs Development Update: September 3rd, 2020. It’s been a highly productive Kava development cycle. Binance direct integration with Kava offering the highest yields to 100,000+ users. Launch of Kava-4 “Gateway” testnet. One step away from delivering scalable DeFi to BTC and others.

Binance integrates Kava to offer BNB holders up to 25% APR.


August 2020 Community Update. With Anchor and the Columbus-4 Mainnet update currently in the works, August has been a great season of growth for Terra and its community. The team has counted down the days until they reached 2 million accounts on the Terra network. This month alone, they’ve seen 6 CHAI integrations with leaders across a variety of industries — food delivery, cinema, and travel, to name a few.

The team has witnessed the support of the community bring Luna to Binance and MXC Exchanges. They’ve had the opportunities to integrate Threshold Signatures and a Ren Bridge to Ethereum through partnerships with the talented ZenGo and Ren Protocol Teams, respectively. Most significantly, they’ve welcomed thousands of new Terrans to the community and look forward to seeing Terrans join across different regions.

Terra Roadmap 2020: The Terra team outlines their Terra Core release schedule, roadmap, related tooling and projects, and initiatives for the remainder of 2020 up until the launch of the fifth mainnet update, Columbus-5.

Terra Core will change in two major ways over the next two upgrades.

  • With Columbus-4, Terra Core will become more expressive with the addition of CosmWasm smart contracts → cosmwasm.com
  • With Columbus-5, it will become more interoperable with the addition of the Shuttle bridge module to create a message bus with multiple other blockchains. More details on Shuttle and Columbus-5 will be released in a later roadmap update as timelines and development progress become available.

Introducing Daniel Hwang — Head of Ecosystem Development.

Introducing ChainLayer: in new Validator Feature Series.

Persistence One:

The ICF awarded Persistence One a grant to develop Interchain Standards (ICS) for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Metadata.

Cosmos partners with Persistence to launch ‘HackAtom India: Build the Cosmos’:

Band Protocol:

Band Protocol August 2020 Community Update.

Integrating Band’s Oracle into Your User Interface.

Loopring Selects Band Protocol To Secure zkRollup Exchange & Payment Protocol on Ethereum: Loopring, a leading Ethereum decentralized exchange and payments protocol, has chosen and completed integration with Band Protocol to provide fiat price feeds for all supported assets. In recent months, both teams have been working on testing and implementing custom decentralized oracles for all assets supported on Loopring zkRollup DEX — they are proud to announce that the price feeds have been migrated and are live on the BandChain Mainnet. Additionally, there has been exploration from Band Protocol to refine their current oracle design querying the LRC/ETH rate that ensures DEX owners have an appropriate LRC amount at stake.

Velo To Integrate Band Protocol Oracles To Secure Digital Credit Issuance & Cross-Border Payments: Velo Labs, the developer of the Velo Protocol, a Stellar-based financial protocol powering the Lightnet cross-border remittance network, has strategically partnered with Band Protocol to integrate decentralized oracles bringing reliable foreign exchange data and token pricing data. Velo Labs is working with Band Protocol to create custom decentralized oracles that bridge both open and premium exchange rates on-chain to enable a borderless and trustless federated credit exchange network.

Chainode Tech Partners & Operates Validator Node on Band Protocol.

TRON Strategically Partners With Band Protocol For Scalable Oracle Technology and Ecosystem Integrations.

Binance US Lists Band Protocol (BAND).

Band Protocol Response to SushiSwap Incident. Official statement from Band Protocol regarding SushiSwap: “we are not involved in the operation of SushiSwap in any capacity.”

Loom Network:


Bytom Weekly Report (2020. 8. 31–9. 4)


Althea Network:

Check out the recording of the development standup call for the Peggy project, the Cosmos — Ethereum bridge, lead by the Althea Peggy dev team.

This meeting held on Aug 31st focused on updating the general public and helping onboard new developers in the Cosmos ecosystem.


Agoric’s weekly updates:

Oasis Labs:

Oasis Network + Chainlink = Integrating Secure and Reliable Oracles for Access to Off-Chain Data Resources: Data from Chainlink will fuel the growth of privacy-enabled DeFi applications on the Oasis Network.


Cyber congress was pitching euler~Foundation at DAO Rush Week on the 31st of August. Also, they were presenting the DAO on the 3rd of September. Find out all the details at the events here.

Cyber’s community call is scheduled for Friday 11/09 at 18.00 CEST, on cyber-square discord: http://discord.gg/gTtRSS

Idena Network:


Kadena is committed to contributing to the wide adoption of blockchain technology. They’ve created crypto gas stations to onboard people.




BEPSwap trading competition: 50,000 RUNE up for grabs, swap assets to earn prizes.

Issue 1203 Post-mortem — THORChain Unbond Bug: Summary of Issue 1203 — what happened, what went wrong and how the network recovered.

Weekly Dev Update #58: THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 25–30 Aug 2020; Chaosnet Launch, V0.9.0 Hot Fix, Explorer Updates

THORChain Chaosnet — Risk Outline: A brief summary of Chaosnet risks, read this before using the network.


Lunie Notifications in early beta is available for anyone to try now:

Built with the Cosmos SDK

Projects that are actively building on the Cosmos ecosystem

Band Protocol — Band Protocol provides a secure and scalable decentralized oracle for Web 3. Announcement » Infrastructure

Binance Chain — Binance Chain is developed by Binance and its community as the basis for a decentralized exchange. Binance is considered the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of trading volume. Announcement » DEX

e-Money — e-Money is the leading European provider of currency-backed stablecoins. The stablecoins are interest bearing and protected by an insolvency fund, which makes them unique in today’s market. Infrastructure Enterprise Stablecoin

IOV — IOV a universal protocol between blockchains and wallet users, is making it possible to send, receive and exchange any cryptocurrency from a single address of value. Wallet Name Service

IRISnet — IRISnet is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications. It is a BPoS blockchain, built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model. Announcement » Enterprise

Kava — Kava is the first cross-blockchain DeFi platform that enables traders to leverage their assets and hedge using a multi-collateral CDP system and collateral-backed stablecoin (USDX). Announcement » Stablecoin Infrastructure

Persistence — Persistence is creating the most effective tools for enterprise blockchain solutions, built on Cosmos technology and powered by Tendermint. Announcement » Enterprise

Playlist — Playlist is a project aimed at tokenizing the music industry with their PLAY Protocol. Social

Regen Network — Regen Network is a global community and platform focused on ecological monitoring and regeneration. Announcement » Agriculture

Sentinel — Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized Applications & Resources marketplace. Announcement » Infrastructure

Terra — A price-stable cryptocurrency designed for mass adoption. We are building financial infrastructure for the next generation of decentralized applications. Announcement » Stablecoin Infrastructure

Check out the Full list of projects in Cosmos & Tendermint Ecosystem.

Partnerships and team members

Cosmos is hiring! See the latest job openings here.


UP101 by UniFi DAO has raised 30,000 ATOM to fund Althea Network for the launch of Althea Peggy, a two-way ERC-20 token bridge for Cosmos Hub:

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Cosmos community continues to grow! There is a stable increase in the number of subscribers of Cosmos social media channels these weeks.






Cosmos forum

Join Cosmos official Discord channel here.

Check out Tendermint and Interchain Foundation Twitter pages.

There are also Community-managed Channels. These channels are managed entirely by members of the Cosmos community and do not represent official Cosmos or ICF announcements.

Cosmos Validator Working Group

Twitter Cosmos China

Twitter Cosmos Korea

Twitter Cosmos Japan

Cosmos India Telegram

Cosmos Singapore Telegram

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

Main sources

Cosmos blog

Cosmos Twitter page

Cosmos subreddit

Cosmos Youtube channel

Tendermint media

Interchain Foundation media

Ecosystem projects’ social media

Today in Cosmos by Adriana | KalpaTech

🪐Crypto Twitter in general

