A Song on Her Lips

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 19-20

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


You sing to your baby. A lot. To soothe them to sleep, to calm them as you change diapers, to keep your sanity as you spend hours upon hours with this little person who is not one for great conversation.

It’s no wonder then that she now sings any chance she gets, makes her own songs, changes lyrics to suit her moods and does not particularly care to share the spotlight. (It’s your own fault. She learned it by watching you, alright?!… She learned it by watching you.)

These are the “Pull Quotes” of your life. Back in the day:

😀 A Personality (Weeks 1-2) | 😱 A Flair for the Dramatic (3-4)
An Active Imagination (5-6) | 🙋🏻 A Growing Independence (7-8)
A Happy Homelife (9-10) | 💝 A Sweet Heart (11-12)
Her Mother’s Eyes (13-14) | 🚀A Sense of Adventure (15-16)
A Kick in Her Step (17-18)

Here are my daughter’s darndest “Pull Quotes” of recent days:

Monday, May 7

“I’m growing hair in my nose!”

Tuesday, May 8

