Humanity is Still Partly in Childhood

Some still conjugate irresponsibility and desire of authority

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


3 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Dyana Wing So on Unsplash

Everyone has one’s timing. This is an interesting time. Butter and whey are separating from each other. Some want to become adults and others want to remain children and are in search of authority. It is easier to delegate our responsability to some authoritarian scapegoat.

We have to reconciliate both groups because our future is being written now.

I ask you to welcome new writers on this week in our community and explore their work along with their different publications.

Daniel A. Teo is 14 and so precocious. He writes yet so well on many themes.

Agnes Louis is a prolific writer with many beautiful texts.

Please enjoy every message, our writers wove for you this last week:

  1. Anthi Psomiadou, in In My Cave, creates a mental cave to examine and recapitulate recents events and undress them from any fear… A tribute to key moments prompt.
  2. Lori McCray, in Water of Life, does the unfinished work left to her in heritage.
  3. Gurpreet Dhariwal, in Gratitude is the Best Attitude, reviews her many fellows writers and friends to thank them and compliment them.
  4. Dennett, in Twin Obsessors, recognizes her same obsession in The Fine Art of Quitting by Ann, with a fine humor running through her text about her obsession on daily life details. An answer to the prompt : key moments.
  5. Jean Carfantan, in Choosing to Incarnate as a Woman, writes about how women are submitted to aggression, and specifically on their sexual appearance… and launches the prompt about what is it to be a woman in general.
  6. Lori McCray, in Intransigent Integrity, claims that knowing comes from the soul and not from the intellect.
  7. Jenine Bsharah Baines, in You Don’t Have to Tell Everybody Everything, unveils a secret, using words to tell and untell, as a tribute to Key moment.
  8. Jean Carfantan, in Temporary Vessels, as a tribute to To be a woman, describes the intricate relationship between our soul et our temporary vessel.
  9. Anthi Psomiadou, in The Compasses, tells us about a meeting with the Goddess and how she was taught about the two compasses.

I launch here a review about some texts outside our publication but on the same theme :

  1. Corrine Corcoran, one of our writers, in My Favorite Earth Mothers, evokes different goddesses from different cultures.
  2. Krunal Dangar, in Reverence for the Divine Feminine, writes about Her as an antidote to our chaotic inner world and society.
  3. Patrick Paul Garlinger, in The Rise of the Divine Mother, develops a balanced and interesting point of view about relationship between divine masculine and divine feminine and about the shift we are living now in consciousness.
  4. Elle Beau ❇︎, one of our writers, in Why Feminists Aren’t Focused On Men’s Problems, writes a strong synthesis about women status in our society.

Here I wish a wonderful week and fulfillment.





Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.