New in Highrise — our Small Business CRM

Mobile 3.1, better mobile emails, and more

Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2017


It’s officially Fall here at Highrise HQ in Chicago, but it sure didn’t feel like Fall for our wonderful company meetup here a few weeks ago:

If you want to get to know the team some more, and hear our thoughts on business you should check out a couple videos we made with some great advice around staying motivated and getting started with programming.

For more videos like these, subscribe to the channel.

We’ve also been busy getting the word out about our simple CRM and have had some fortunate results with Highrise recently being named as a top 20 category leader for CRM solutions by and 6th for best CRM software by Crozdesk.

But we could still use a lot more help spreading the word. If you have a few minutes, we could use some reviews on Capterra (or any other review site you frequent).

As always if you need anything, whether Highrise or otherwise, please shout. We’d love to help.

Nathan Kontny
CEO, Highrise
YouTube / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

Mobile 3.1

Just a couple months ago, we announced iOS 3.0 and today we’re thrilled to announce BOTH iOS and Android 3.1.

For iOS users, since we recently released 3.0, these updates are general bug fixes and performance improvements.

For our Android users, you’ll get all of the iOS 3.0 updates like tags!:

Read about more Highrise Mobile 3.1 features here.

If you like the recent updates we’d love a review in the app stores or if there’s something causing you trouble send us a note:

Better Mobile Emails

We’ve been making a big push to improve the Highrise experience on mobile devices. And today’s change continues to move that forward.

Read more about better mobile emails here.

API Strict Parties Update

Highrise has many integrations, a few of which we’ve built ourselves and released over the past few years like Gmail and Outlook, and even Slack.

And many built by third parties, such as Zapier

For those integrations matching on names across apps or systems, one of the issues both our partners and our customers sometimes ran into was a ‘fuzzy logic’ search on contacts. The ‘Parties’ search for People and Companies was built to account for some flexibility on the way people might enter contacts into various systems — i.e. ‘Sam Jones’ or ‘Samantha Jones’ would return both contacts. But if Sam and Samantha are actually 2 separate people the fuzzy logic also sometimes caused confusion.

So we’ve introduced a new parameter with our API that allows the user to turn off the fuzzy logic and only return exact matches.

Read more about our API strict party parameter here.

Highrise About Town

Read more about a few places we’ve been spotted in the wild recently.

Highrise Blog and Tips…

Every week we publish a new tip such as:

Follow us on Medium for more frequent Highrise tips and announcements. Or subscribe on YouTube for daily business insights.



Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft ( Watch: Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO