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On-boarding to Bitcoin Cash in the age of free and instant digital (fiat) payments

Yesterday, I read a sobering post by Jonald Fyookball on reddit, urging the Bitcoin Cash community to turn its back on the recent ‘hash war’, resist complacency and push forward with the…

Blockchain and your reputation

Read this if you support cryptocurrencies. Over 930 coins or tokens have already gone bust. See deadcoins.com for the gory details. That total will surely increase. Recent weeks have also seen a significant fall of all major coins. Have you considered that many if not all…


The thing that may convince you

As i explained from Dream Come True profile here on medium, i want to explain our least possible explanation. We need investment and we are thinking about ICO offering investing our life into a project called TreeLife to test the realtime metrics of crptonetwork on…

Understanding Zerocoin

The Zerocoin protocol was conceived in 2013 by Johns Hopkins researcher Matthew D. Green, as an extension of Bitcoin, providing for optional anonymity in the Bitcoin network. We say “optional” anonymity since the Zerocoin model involves converting public bitcoins to anonymous zerocoins…