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What’s in a Lockdrop?

To align incentives, the Edgeware network will be launched with a lockdrop of EDG tokens to Ether holders. A lockdrop…

Guia introdutório para iniciantes da Pundi X

Dennis Campos Pedro Sanches

Esta é uma tradução livre do post fixo “Beginners Introduction Guide for Pundi X” no subreddit da Pundi X. A tradução visa tirar dúvidas comuns à comunidade brasileira, e atingir um público com…

Join the Blockchain Party

Hello World!! No Relief for Disaster Relief. My name is Ernest Rando, also known as Lotusdog or Ernest of Gaia. For the last decade I have been a full time, crowd funded, mobile community volunteer, and Permaculture Designer. For the last three years, in the United States, I have…

Loopex joins Crowdholding

We are happy to announce that Loopex has joined the Crowdholding platform and have launched their project page…