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What’s a Hardware Wallet

Cardano light wallet “Yoroi” by Emurgo now supports hardware wallets, and in this post, we will try to explain what…

A Crime on Testnet

On a warm summer day I crave a frappuccino. Unfortunately drugs such as caffeine, sugar and cacao were declared illegal decades ago. This happened because young unemployed college graduates often felt triggered by loud caffeinated rich people. Sugar was causing mass obesity and was also a…

2018, Crypto Year In Review

After the “irrational exuberance” phase that affected the market in middle to late 2017, a sobering tide seems…

Fulcrum Points for the Adoption of Digital Assets

Author: Will Peets, CIO of Passport Digital Holdings, @WillPeets

Despite Bitcoin being introduced >10 years ago, we are still in the very early innings of the development and adoption of digital currencies (perhaps the…

BitMax.io (BTMX.com) Weekly Update (Dec. 24, 2018 — Dec. 30, 2018)

Platform Data

As of 5:00 am EST, on Dec. 30, according to data reported on BitMax.io (BTMX.com) website:

The Satoshi Nakamotos of 2018

It has been ten years since the Bitcoin whitepaper was released and almost a decade since the…

NEWS HIGHLIGHT 2018/12/25 26

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2019 Stanford Blockchain Conference Spotlights Blockchain Security and ‘Risk’ [click