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I’m with you when it comes to rejecting centralism.
Carsten Führmann

Nearly 80% of energy consumed in Bitcoin mining is clean, renewable energy from sources like hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, and solar.

While it is true that Bitcoin mining consumes a lot of electricity, it’s still a small fraction of the energy consumed by gold mining and banks. In 2017, Bitcoin mining consumed estimated…

Consensus Network Ep 23: How to Scale Bitcoin with Samson Mow

Catch the full episode: https://www.consensusnetwork.io/podcastepisodes/23

Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. Today my guest is Samson Mao. Samson is the chief strategy officer of Blockstream…

RusCoin: A New Bitcoin?!

On May 22, 2010 the Bitcointalk forum user nicknamed Laszlo said he had been willing to buy two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin. That exchange was reasonable at the time since 2 pizzas cost around $25, well maybe $30, if you decided to tip the delivery guy.