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2018 BOLT Year In Review

A letter from BOLT Founders, Jamal Hassim and Christel Quek, to our friends, advocates, and community.

Launching Metamesh Consulting

As promised, I’m starting the new year launching a consulting firm with ex-ConsenSys friends and experts…

The State of Blockchain Part 1 : Recap of 2018 predictions

The objective of this short article is to settle the accounts with my last year predictions on blockchain technology and the market. In the second part, I also intend to share my insights for the things to come in 2019. This…

Launching Giveth.One

It was the end of 2016 when Giveth was founded by its core team members. Its original mission was to develop a donation…


2018 was an incredible year in which BitSong went through many phases, starting from its birth and up to the first listing…

The Time is Right for Liquid Democracy on Earth not Just Mars

One of the least discussed but most daunting applications of blockchain are new democratic models. Other than Elon Musk, there appears not to be any discussion at all though I’m sure people will correct me on this. Regardless, with the introduction of blockchain…