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Simulation of the Augur economy

Incentivai has built a tool for testing incentive structures of economy-based systems. They are

The Need for Supply Chain Blockchains

Last week, Reuters broke the story that Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder product has previously shown traces of asbestos.

Although J&J strongly denied knowing it, stocks went into freefall, losing around 10% overnight. Finance journals are…

WBTC 현황 업데이트

업계의 열렬한 지지와 함께 WTBC가 발표된 이후로 2달이 지났습니다. 기술, 생태계 조성, 거버넌스 확정 등 여러 부문에서의 성과를 공유드립니다.

기술 관련 업데이트

WBTC の進捗アップデート


New Capital backs the masternode eco-system

New Capital, an incubator to support and advance transformative infrastructure…

Persona & The Next Web HardFork

For three days mid-December, in London, we were fortunate to be Partners at #HardFork2018, the…

WBTC进展 — Dec 2018

