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Introducing Insight

We are proud to announce the beta release of Insight, a local, real-time debugging tool for Ethereum developers! We’ve been…

POC for EOSIO history indexer

The fundraising for a new history solution hasn’t happened, but I was testing proofs of concept in my free time nevertheless.

The POC scripts are available in GitHub repo. They are by no means intended for production use. The POC was done using two…

DevCon5 — ETHLagos

ETHLagos, to be held from February 9 to 15 at the Landmark Event Center in Victoria Island, Lagos, comprises a hackathon, a…

Telos WP#28 delivered

The Telos WPS proposal #28 has been delivered. The scope was to develop additional features in Chronicle and Light API, as follows:

  • Chronicle has 3 new message types (PERMISSION, PERMISSION_LINK and ACC_METADATA) which deliver account permissions and smart contract…

Introducing Insight

We are proud to introduce the beta release of Insight, a tool aimed at increasing the efficiency of the Ethereum development…