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Why I stopped reading in 2015

by Yann Girard

In the US alone there are more than 600.000 books published every year. That’s more than 1600 books every day. In the US alone! And globally there are more than 2mn blog posts published every day.

Redefining how Humans live and interact.

This is a long read. You may visit the home page to get a quicker introduction to LifeMaker.

LifeMaker is a technology enabled platform for people to awaken and grow together.

It’s not about.. (with video inside)

by Yann Girard

It’s not about being perfect.

Or being the best.

Or being rich.

Or successful.

2015 a year in review

A year ago I wrote a review of what 2014 had been like for me. In hindsight it probably wasn’t comfortable reading, it…

Pre-Review of the Best Self Journal

I am one of the happy backers of the “Self Journal” — a tool that seemed to want to be the Everlasting Gobstopper of journals. At first their mission — “to create something that lends itself to making success inevitable — through planning, execution and measurement”…