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Social Media

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal. How to prevent?

For more stories.

In this post, we are not discussing Cambridge analytical scandal instead How we will prevent this with the help of blockchain technology. Cambridge analytical and Facebook is at the center of an…

The Dark side of Apps

According to www.statista.com over 2.5 billion people are currently using smartphones and this number is estimated to be…

Want to build a social network? 3 things I learned building mine

Mr. Anand Mahindra, the chairman of Mahindra Group made a passionate tweet few days back. He asked Indian startups to build India’s own social networking platform. A very noble thought. If we need to stay relevant in…

How to Make Sense of Your Medium Stats
Craig Phillips

Thanks for your insights into the stats Craig Phillips.

It is interesting to learn from other authors how they view Medium and the way it works.

I have noticed that I am getting more followers from my comments than from my posted articles. I am someone who prefers to leave a comment over hitting that…