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Social Media

The Data Dilemma

Data is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis”. Within…

Software Engineering — Introduction (Part 1)
Omar Elgabry

This Blog is worthful for those who want to make their career in software engineering, Thanks to post this blog really its very helpful for freshers, to take basic idea that what is software engineering. Keep it up!!!

Comments for 2 articles

For this week’s blog post, I commented on two articles: Nathan Jergenson’s The IRL Fetish and Alexis Madrigal’s The Basic Grossness of Humans.


You wrote about this dualistic view that most people have of the world and argue that…

Beginners Guide to Supersize Blogging ROI
David B. Grinberg 🇺🇸

Over the last three or so years, David B. Grinberg, I have seen the readership of my blogs climb from about 3 each time to several hundred sometimes. It took a long time, but then again, I didn’t have this article to go by back then! There was just so much I didn’t know (and still don’t), but I got lucky by being invited to a small LI group, and I…

Do we need to start wearing tinfoil hats and protesting in the streets?
Inside Amazon’s Moves to Know Everything About You
Kerry Morrison

Kerry Morrison I love how some people can get so outraged that the government or large companies know your private information… some of these people will post their whole life to social media but that not here nor there.

Have you ever filled out personal information to make a purchase or sign up for anything? Most likely…