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Social Media

No Mercy / No Malice: Facebook Needs a Contract With America

Weekly musings from Scott Galloway

Facebook is the perfect storm for the commonwealth. When firms have become a threat to US economic growth, let alone national security, there have been numerous…

How to Use Social Media for Your Business Marketing Plans?

Social media is an important tool for businesses to use in their marketing plans. Most actions on social media are free. They provide you with a great way to gain visibility and brand recognition. You can also get a lot of…

I’m talking too much.
The Underwhelming Reveal

Never, Gutbloom. In my humble opinion anyway.

Thanks for doing this, it’s nice to put a face to a name. As Tre L. Loadholt indicated was the case for her, for whatever reason I pictured you similar to the image you posted.

Build Your Brands On-Line Presence With Social Media Marketing Company in Toronto

Sonya Gill could be a social media company in Toronto that focuses on building brands and strengthens the net presence through social media activities. Sonya and her team conjointly…

America’s Diner

An article posted by Entrepreneur.com in 2015 described Denny’s social media personality as one of a chill teenager. They feature an abundance of memes and seemingly little thought that goes behind each post; however, more times than not, they land. Amongst these tweets includes a haiku that reads…

Best Social Media Optimization Services

The idea behind social media is simple: Connect with like-minded people and develop meaningful relationships. No matter what type of business you have, the goal is always the same. Get people active and into your sales funnel.