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Social Media

NEspoko millennials

Jestli jste někdy slyšeli nějakej talk od Simona Sinka (doporučuju všechny, ale konkrétně teď mluvim o tomhle), tak už vám pravděpodobně něco říká pojem věčně nespokojený mileniálové. Nedávno jsme se na tohle téma bavili doma a já, ikdyž jsem o tom přečetla a slyšela fakt hodně, a uvědomuju si…

Opt-out is a myth

In the aftermath of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica privacy disaster, many of us deleted our Facebook accounts altogether. Some deactivated them, some reset their privacy settings and a minority who never bothered using Facebook watched away with “I told you so” looks. This almost gives away an…

THE REAL ME- how I view the world.

My self- identity is how I define and see myself as a unique person, play an important role in who…

The More Social, Less Media Guide To Author Platforms Pt 3

So, you’ve read Part One and Part Two of the series. The tips in those probably seem like a lot to keep up with, and they can be sometimes. If you’re wondering how on Earth you’re supposed to be able to do all of these things…