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Hackathons Aren’t The Problem

Recently this article has gone viral in the hackathon community, and for good reason. It is controversial because it addresses some of the negative aspects of hackathons, which are worth addressing because no system is perfect. However, I couldn’t disagree more that hackathons…

Will Tech Unicorns Save Our Planet?

In an event hosted by Lifetreat.com on 24th February, leaders from the sharing economy…

How I conquered Slack — by sacking all the humans…

I read Samuel Hulick’s post this morning on his woes with Slack, and I fully sympathise with him.

I personally have found a simple solution to my issues with Slack, and that was: To fire all the humans in my Slack…

If you’re really on my side, you will not only let me experience life outside your embrace, you will even help me make it happen, trusting all the while that I will come back if it’s...
Slack, I’m Breaking Up with You
Samuel Hulick

Kevin Simler said it best:

“UX is etiquette for computers.”

Absent a grounding in ethics, designers of the sophisticated compulsion loops characteristic of modern software are complicit in perpetuating an invisible status quo. If we are to “have nice things,” technology must begin not only to…

Franz: Stop Time Wasting, Keep Connecting

Franz is a tool which condenses your favourite applications for communicating with…

Simple Privacy Policy Example

Are you looking for a generic privacy policy template? If so, you have come to the right place online that will help you get started in the creation of a suitable privacy policy for your business. You probably know that every website should have a privacy statement, as every…

Innovative Speech Therapy

A new app for android devices helps parents and speech therapists make speech therapy fun and exciting for children struggling with articulation.

Salt Lake City, Utah February 27th, 2016 -Valley Speech and Language Therapy, a private speech therapy practice…

FOHO: Fear of Helping out in the Philly tech scene

In Silicon Valley there is a popular term called FOMO (Fear of Missing out), meaning investors throw money at as many tech startups as they can because they’re afraid to miss the next Uber or Facebook. If only that were the case here in…

Free Maps Online

When it comes to free maps online, there are many applications, online sources or tools that have been developed recently. You may be surprised that what you may find online does not just offer ways for you to locate addresses or establishments, but instead, it provides you cutting-edge technology…

Free Online Phone Calls

Nowadays, there are free online phone calls that you can use to save money. If you do not have a cell phone or mobile phone, you will be considered as old school. Today, there are many people who are using mobile phones and calls, if you want to know how to call for free, check this…

Bring Kindness back to Open Source
Scott Hanselman

Hi Scott Hanselman , It would be great to see you host a video/series about beginning on and contributing to OSS — pull requests, contributing code fixes etc. Maybe CoreClr or one of its siblings is a good choice for the demonstration?