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Takeaways from AngelList Radio’s Podcast with Tyler Willis and Jason Calacanis

Recently, I re-listened to Tyler Willis have jason Calacanis on the AngelList Radio podcast. Despite the fact that the episode was recorded a few months ago, I couldn’t stop listening to it. In…

10 Lessons from a Brutal Job Search

This article originally appeared on InsNerds.com

Shortly after getting back from the 2015 CPCU Society Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, my boss flew up to meet with me for lunch and informed me that due to recent management changes the…

Today marks CuriosityStream’s first anniversary! 
 My father, Discovery Channel founder, John Hendricks, debuted the world’s first ad-free, nonfiction streaming service on March…

Shades of Twitter

I just read Tyler Neylon’s appeal for support for math notation on Medium. Can I add my plea for a smaller font size for use…

Tools of the trade (part 2 of 3)

In the first part I went over the stuff I carry with me in my backpack. In this one, I’m going to over the apps I use often on my mac.

As I mentioned in the first part, I enjoy doing different kinds of work from writing to programming and even…

Leading Ladies: Dora Ziambra

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2016, Azimo’s Leading Ladies


Eu nasci na época em que podíamos brincar na rua, e isso também significava ralar o joelhos… e eu morria de medo do Mertiolate. Aquilo ardia que…

Making the Mobile Web The Real Internet

The always thoughtful John Battelle suggests here that the mobile Internet is getting very close to being The Internet, or the mobile version of it, thanks to what I’ll call the rise of connective tissue.

9.7-inch iPad Pro to start at $599.

Mark Gurman, 9to5mac:

With the iPad Pro name and features, the new 9.7-inch iPad will be Apple’s first to come with a starting price higher than $499. The smaller iPad Pro will start at $599 and include 32 GB of storage, according to sources.

A last-year student from Vietnam gets paid hundred of thousand dollars by Google — P.3

Payroll: To know more about Nguyen Hai Khanh, we will continue to discover his world today. It is an incredible chance to a new graduated student from Vietnam that the others do not…

Today’s Top News in India

By WeRIndia

In this advanced technological era, when there are numerous news sources, it is not…