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  1. Technology
  2. Tech

Is Open Source really open?

“Open Source means standing on the shoulders of giants” — Marc Andreessen

Free Open Source Software is arguably the most dominant trend in tech right now. Whether it’s Javascript, Linux, Android, and now Bitcoin, there’s no industry that open source isn’t…

The iPhone SE Strategy

This past week Apple launched the iPhone SE as well as an updated version of theiPad Pro. Both devices are interesting…

3/26 — 品牌電商行動化、活動平台、Zenfone

1.91APP 宣布獲 2.8 億 A 輪投資,矢志啟動第三波零售業革命

「app 加上官網,才是品牌在網路上完整的佈局」,接下來 91App Inc. 將在第二季實現「品牌獨立化」的目標,觸角延伸到實體世界,為實體商家推出 「實體門市POS串聯方案」,提供一站式服務,協助品牌深化會員經營,無論何時何地都能掌握消費者的一舉一動。何英圻指出,「91 App 將串聯商家自己的實體 + 網站 + app

Practice, Practice, Practice!!

(via GIPHY)

DAY 5 IS COMPLETE!!! This time, I wanted to try and figure things out on my own without looking things up on youtube or asking on stackoverflow(Though I have no shame in doing so…there is a wealth of info on those outlets.) The challenge…

3/23 — Uber、自學程式設計、Yahoo撤出中國


「美國白宮從 2010 年(歐巴馬第一任任期的第二年)則開始推出美國「白宮週報」(West Wing Week)短片,影片大約五分鐘長,內容會逐日回顧總統歐巴馬在一週內做的重要決策,以及參與的重大活動。在每週五,白宮會在官方網站及 YouTube