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10 Productivity Tips for Programmers with ADHD

(Note: this article originally appeared on ADHDTechies.com.)

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I’ve met a fair amount of ADHD computer programmers over the years. A lot of them…

Eating Startup Dogfood in Public

Eating your own dogfood is a tech term believed to have started in the early days of Microsoft. By becoming your own customer, you really feel, not just intellectualize, the bugs and shortcomings of your product. Google famously banned MS Office as a way to get Google…

Texting is Tony Stark, Chatbox is Iron Man

The inventor of the hashtag recently declared 2016 “the year of conversational commerce.” Conversational user interfaces are rising to dominate the way we consume internet content and conduct commerce. Today, WeChat has 600 million people in China buying tickets, checking into…

Apple’s Wasteful Press Event

by Mordechai Luchins

I am a Mac user and have been since 2001. My first computer was an Apple IIgs. My current phone is an iPhone. Overall, I am a huge, huge fan of their products and design ethos. So much so that I follow every Apple press event in a…

Four Highlights From iXD 16

By Greg Cavanagh

This year myself and Natalie (Principal UX at Else) attended the IXDA Interaction 16 conference held in Helsinki, Finland. Running from the 28th of Feb to the 4th of March, the topics spanned much of current and future thinking within the…

Barriers to mobile payment adoption

Today, mobile payment options are becoming increasingly sophisticated. The reason may be…

How Google Search Engine Works?

Google search engine ranking the website, based on the number of viewers and efficiency of the website, if the viewer is high, then the Google gives priority rank to that site. With the reference of the site keyword and Meta tag description, the Google search engine pick…

The Art of Raising Seed Funding & Series A (Expert Dojo, Los Angeles)

Expert Dojo is Los Angeles’ #1 entrepreneurs membership program. During my visit to LA for the filming of the Coaching Movie in September, I gave a talk at Expert Dojo on the art of raising money for startups…

Cordless Trimmer Malaysia

Clippers are a tool that’s easy to use and can help save your household budget. If people in your household have short hair and need to have their cut with clippers it can be easily done at home.

From trade show encounters to lasting relationships

The dust is slowly settling on some of the tech industry’s biggest annual events, Mobile World Congress and CeBIT. From global behemoths to disruptive startups, thousands of businesses showcased exciting new devices, solutions and…