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A better offer letter

At Carta we spend a lot of time thinking about how to better educate employees on startup equity. Even new hires at

Why Snapchat is an Important Media Company

Yesterday I wrote a primer on how to use Snapchat for my peer group of “over 30” people who don’t yet “get” Snapchat. Today I want to talk briefly about why I believe Snapchat is an important media company.

Press Release #1: CatChatz, SXSW Launch

We are proud to announce the beta launch of CatChatz.com.

CatChatz is a technology focused, lifestyle company. We are on a ruthless mission to bridge the divide between cats & humans. With a short term focus on communication & a long…

DAY 32: Why I’m trading SnapChat accounts with Malia Probst || #StrubSnapSwaps

From Feb. 27 to April 16, Chris Strub will trade his Snapchat account with 50 different Snapchatters from around the globe. Add ChrisStrub on SnapChat to meet them all. During the 50 days, a

Architecture: Current Trends in Architectural Design

3d design services provider company

Like any alternative variety of art, whether or not it’s painting, music or fashion style, design relies on current trends. individuals wish their structures to include the…