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Our Investment in Spruce

One of the surest ways to build great startups is simply to remove steps from complex processes. Ev Williams spoke on this topic a few years ago, and it always stuck with me:

“Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long…

A Hacker’s Troubles — 2007 to Now

According to LinkedIn, I started working in information security in 2009. Realistically — I was…

Scytale Journal #1

As probably you should know if you’re reading this, Scytale is a web development & design studio that build web and mobile applications to the real world using state of the art technologies.

Since most of us at Scytale are geek and we like to share cool things with each…


When rocketing down the BART tunnel in San Francisco, you realize it sounds like it’s screaming. A wide, gaping, open mouthed howl as it roars down…

#0023: Systems of intelligence

The Coup electric scooter sharing service that I worked on in Berlin in 2016 has expanded. There are now…

Ep 198: Interview with Alex Doubet, founder of Door

Listen: http://www.startupsense.net/blog/ep-198-interview-with-alex-doubet-founder-of-door

For anyone that has bought or sold a residence they are familiar with the traditional 6% commission which typically gets…

Technology Conferences