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Ten Key Resources for Beginner iOS Devs

I started teaching myself programming two years ago. Now I’m set to graduate from Coalition for Queens’ Access Code 3.2 cohort as a junior iOS developer.

During my time in C4Q, I spent a lot of time looking up online resources and

Blockchain Buffalo goes to Token Summit

Last Thursday 10 of us from our Blockchain Buffalo group attend Token Summit. Over 700 people were in attendance with another 600 folks waitlisted to get in at NYU.

The Story of SOLVE

Here was a neuroscientist, here a CEO, here a technologist. Welcome to MIT’s SOLVE conference, where I found myself — as the day-old Community Manager of Agora — last week. The three-day conference brought experts from across sectors — academia, business, nonprofit, government — to co-design…

Around 41 Apps Got Attacked by Judy Virus, Google Detached The Infected Apps

With the rapid growth of mobile app economy reach of the app technology is in millions. This technology is used to get the maximum outreach and enhance the business via digital trends. However…

Markets Ready for some Major Disruption

In recent years we’ve seen big change in the hotel, taxi, physical retail and eye wear industries. What else is left for some major disruption in 2017? Some industries that I personally can’t wait to see some major shakeups in are:

Differences between online backup & online storage

There seems to be some confusion over the differences between online storage & online (or cloud) backup and some initially consider them to be one of the same — they are not. They are vastly different and each serves a purpose, depending on…

10 best stud finder of 2017 with maximum discount

best stud finder

Best stud finder with comparison is given below. 10 best stud finder listing is based on quality and price. Choose best one for you from below 10 list.