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【Bot 開發經驗 #1】為什麼我們選擇自幹 Bot 框架?現有知名框架比較

近來優拓致力打造高品質的 Chatbot 產品,如 Aloha.AIPoller.AI 等,因此在 Bot 的開發上,我們期待能使用一個良好的框架,使得開發流程更加順暢便利。

Tech Life as Graphs II

Another part of me trying to visualize situations of my tech life as graphs

Native apps

Juice Hero…

Rather than get in line to bash Juicero for their product, as a designer sometimes I like to make postmortems on other folks products and…

Ep 194: Interview with Bobby Johnson, founder of Interana

Listen: http://www.startupsense.net/blog/ep-194-interview-with-bobby-johnson-founder-of-interana

Companies have so much more data than ever before. It comes from their websites. It comes from their mobile…

Things I read this week (5/19/2017)

  • California Leads U.S. Economy. Bloomberg.
  • The Boring Company FAQ was made available here. tl&dr; “To solve the problem of soul-destroying traffic, roads must go 3D, which means either flying cars or tunnels”. In order to make tunneling work, tunneling costs must be…
Not All Radiation Is Equal, non-ionizing radiation doesn’t have enough energy to ionize atoms.
Ibiwunmi Ladega

Ibiwunmi Ladega Thanks for your response. You are right. The World Health Organization, caution people that spread such news and made it very clear that there is no health risk from radio-frequency communication devices.

Our Machines Now Have Knowledge We’ll Never Understand
David Weinberger

Nice treatment, David. For a deep and positive discussion of the value of models beyond human comprehension, you might enjoy Stephen Wolfram’s recent article “A New Kind of Science: A 15-Year Review” here on Medium. In particular, he talks about “mining” the universe of possible programs and argues: “Selecting only things whose operation we can…