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Why become a web developer?

Enspiral Dev Academy is a rapid coding bootcamp based in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand.

Tech Nation 2017: At the forefront of bad data

Earlier this year Tech City released “the most comprehensive analysis of the UK Digital Tech Ecosystem” and, unsurprisingly, I had a little rant on twitter. Twitter is great for short little bursts of anger or frustration but it’s not the best…

4 types of insurance associated with owning an eighteen-wheeler

I found out that many owner operators who want to lease with us, don’t know how different types of insurance coverage work. There are four main types of insurance that trucking companies and owner operators should be familiar with.

Read more on our blog


Why You Might Want To Consider Saving For A Ticket To Mars

Amazingly, space…

The story of how superintelligence killed us

My last post tackled the upcoming fourth revolution, which is mainly derived from…

Four Reasons For Scandy Pro

Scandy was founded in 2014 with a bright vision for the future of 3D technology. That vision is finally coming…


A couple of weeks ago, I spoke at Startup Policy Lab’s first Tech, Policy, & Beer event. The topic was open data in San Francisco. Following some fantastic presentations by DataSF, Exygy, Raise.me (all of whom are techies), I dropped the legal bomb: None of the tech matters…

10 Apps for those with disabilities

Do you have a disability, check out these top apps

Home Healthcare Adaptions have produced the below infographic profiling 10 apps which score highly for accessibility for users with certain disabilities…

Micky Dhillon — A Successful IT Businessman

“There wasn’t much resource for me,” Micky says. “I was going to need a job to pay for my expenses if I wanted one. I’d read an article that software engineer were the best paid professionals, so I applied for supports and internships and applied to…

Apple’s Anti-Telco Plan

If the Bloomberg news is true, that Apple has hired the top satellite technology executives from Google to form a new hardware team, and add the news about Apple investing in Boeing’s satellite plans, then we are in for some exciting developments in the next three to five years. What do…

[Día 1] @ Summit & AtlasCamp

El equipo de DEISER junto a otros equipos del Marketplace de Atlassian en su acostumbrado partido de fútbol antes del magno evento anual de Atlassian

Si bien los eventos oficiales del Summit no comienzan hasta el martes, ayer parte del #DEISERTeam llegó a…

Bem Wireless Kickstand MICRO Projector REVIEW

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I’m the type of person that likes to experience videos I watch. I want them to be larger than life. When I go to the movies, I go to biggest, best theater possible. When I…

Robot Lawyer Helps Refugees Find Asylum

‘Robot lawyer’ DoNotPay is giving free legal aid to refugees seeking asylum in the USA and North America, and asylum support in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

How To Solve Microsoft Office Setup Issues?

Microsoft Office Setup Number we offer best services for Microsoft office setup installation through technical support. you can directly contact us our toll-free number for resolves their issues. Here, we will happy to meet you and like to give you the…


In Max Testo XL situation that you’re hardgainer, you may need to modifying your efficient muscular to fat stage extents, in whatever o Max Testo XL r situation pesters may well appear. Overpowering muscular to fat remains : are definitely Max Testo XL dear…